07/08/2024 – Almost Not Bothered

Viola not bothered © Colehauscats.com
Viola not bothered © Colehauscats.com

Most of the fireworks are over. Legally, all of them were supposed to end at midnight on July 4th. Well, we can all guess how well that went. Everyone, meaning Quint, Pia, Mom, and Tessa on and off, stayed inside in or near the Chewy box and carrier forts softened with blankets draped over the pile. Dad had to work all weekend and on her way to pick him up for home, Mom saw lots of July 4th mess still left on streets and sidewalks. A bunch of someones had a good time it would seem, including Viola who wasn’t really bothered by the thunderously loud mortars going off right out front of our house. “Meh,” she seemed to say at each and every boom.

A different box for Viola © Colehauscats.com
A different box for Viola © Colehauscats.com

What did rile her up was other cats in her new personal cardboard box sitting on the island. We told her if she was to abandon it, even for the briefest of moments, someone was probably going to nab it.

I had to pee, Mom!

Yes, and thank you. Here’s a different box, freshly cut down to fit your style.

It’s not freshly cut down. I slept in this same box weeks ago. Who are you trying to kid?

Another different box for Viola © Colehauscats.com
Another different box for Viola © Colehauscats.com

Okay, well, here’s another box that isn’t freshly cut down either. Happy now?

*scowls at Mom*

Don't change the box! © Colehauscats.com
Don’t change the box! © Colehauscats.com

Viola, you’re going to have to share your new box. That’s all there is to it. We can’t guard it for you 24/7, and no one can reason with your sister Tessa. You’re just going to have to share.

This is so unfair. I don’t want to share! Give that sister those other lesser boxes.

Okay, we’ll give that a try, little girl.

You’re darn tooting you will!

Wow, someone’s sure gotten sassy!

~ ~ ~ ~

The temperature reached 103 degrees Fahrenheit here yesterday, 102 on Saturday, and it’ll be 104 today and tomorrow with upper 90’s for the rest of the week. Last year, on July 4th weekend, we had no air conditioning at all when the heat pump motherboard melted itself after temperatures reached 105. We were smart this year by having our heat pump serviced before this last weekend. The only question one could ask might be is it better to have air conditioning or a working refrigerator/freezer? Mom’s all for air conditioning! The refrigerator can wait, and wait it will. It won’t arrive until sometime in August. Mom’s only missing it slightly. Dad’s another story . . . for some other time.

~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2023 – No post
2022 – No post
2021 – No post
2020Wordless Wednesday
2019A Peek at Monday
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2015Wordless Wednesday*
2014 – No post
2013The V-E-T Parade Continues
2012 – No post

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6 Responses to 07/08/2024 – Almost Not Bothered

  1. Hope the hots tail off for you all soon!

  2. Dearest Colehauscats,
    Viola is quite a character and a box loving one!
    Love it when they snooze with one ‘hand’ in front of their face.
    Some people have NO manners at all.
    Just called for having our downstairs airconditioning checked. Might need to have it replaced. Nobody is sleeping there, had a guest leaving on June 9, so it is okay and besides, it is NOT hot there due to the thick concrete block walls, cavity wall also. It is our bunker if needed.

  3. 15andmeowing says:

    A kitty deserves a box of her own without having to share. You poor kitty

  4. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    Oh Viola, the indignity of having to share your box!

  5. Sharing can be fun, but everyone has to be in on it. If even one won’t, it messes everything up for everyone else.

    I do hope things cool off for all of us soon.

  6. meowmeowmans says:

    Viola, maybe you should have Mom get you a microchip controlled box. How cool would THAT be? Glad your AC is working — we had ours replaced about 3 weeks ago, and we are SOOOO happy.

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