07/03/2023 – That Time Again

Had just about enough of nonsense © Colehauscats.com
Had just about enough of nonsense © Colehauscats.com

Well, it’s that booming, flashy time of year and once again, for all the talk of fireworks being illegal here, in all actuality, people don’t care and buy and set them off anyway. Mom works the days of and after July 4th; she’ll probably be leaving for work while fireworks are still going off Wednesday, so she can’t spend the night under the bed in the fort she makes for all frightened kitties here. Everyone will be okay. She’s promised lots of treats.

Let’s hope the fireworks die down sometime before, let’s say, September 3rd because already, Tessa’s had just about enough of this fireworks nonsense.

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Because of schedules and unexpected heat pump repairs and likely, a few poor nights of sleep, we’re taking a week off from blogging. See you Monday, July 10th!

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A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2022 – No post
2021 – No post
2020Friday Flashback
2019Not a Fan of Boomies
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015Friday Flashback for Tomorrow’s 4th
2014 – No post
2013Revisiting Quiet Fireworks
2012 – No post

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8 Responses to 07/03/2023 – That Time Again

  1. Zoolatry says:

    Poor kitties … maybe Mommy can put lots of extra blankies in your fort to cushion away those noisy boomers. We don’t like them either and they last way too many nights …

  2. Funny thing: the TV news was airing an expose’ on fireworks, and just the sound of the whistling made Chili Bruce’s ears go airplane.
    See you next week.

  3. Our boomies haven’t been as bad as they usually are. We hope yours aren’t too bad.

  4. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    I hope the fireworks don’t go on for too long.

  5. 15andmeowing says:

    Hope you don’t have to hear a lot of boomies. Happy 4th! XO

  6. mary mcneil says:

    Heat pump repairs ? As a favorite book of our huMom’s says :’ It isn’t one thing after another; it’s the same da*n thing over and over !”

  7. meowmeowmans says:

    Our city’s fireworks got postponed because we had rain last night. We kind of wish they would just cancel them straight away. : – /

    We hope your 4th has been peaceful and quiet. Happy Independence Day, sweet pals!

  8. Rene S says:

    We’ve had two nights of fireworks here, and the cats are so over it.

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