After Quint’s vet visit two weeks ago in which he was a gentleman and didn’t mind everyone holding him because he’s soft and adorable, he demanded he never need do that again. When we were hesitant with our response to that, he showed a rebellious streak by promptly jumping up onto the buffet (boo-fay) and strutted across the top as if he owned it. Everyone knows Tessa a.k.a. Danger Cat owns the forbidden buffet top despite all Mom’s hollering that Tessa stay off it.

What’s he doing up there??

Meanwhile, and nearby, Viola spies something interesting.
Who cares about my brother and some stupid boo-fay. Wait! What is THAT? Is it? Could it be? No, it can’t be a . . . new box?

Hmm, smell like a new box. Is roomy and has high sides. Has fresh crinkle paper in bottom. Most importantly, does not have other cat smells. Why, this new box smells FRESHLY PICKED! For ME!

Mom, quick! I’ll pose and you take a picture of me in my new box!
Don’t have to ask Mom twice. Congratulations on your new box, Viola.
~ ~ ~ ~

Mr. G and his brother Jacks/Bunny and their family are gone, moved back to Idaho. Our backyard feels terribly quiet and lonely, despite the birds and the flowers a-buzz with bumblebees and the bubbling fountain. With heavy, yet hopeful hearts, we wish them only the very best and safest transition to a new life. Thanks for trusting us, boys. Miss you already.
~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2023 – No post
2022 – Hello July!
2021 – No post
2020 – Welcome to July
2019 – Moody Monday
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – A Simple Request
2015 – Around Colehaus
2014 – No post
2013 – Don’t Just Get Mad; Get Tessa Mad!
2012 – No post
Quint feels he has earned the right to walk across the boo-fay. The others look surprised at his bravery. That is a lovely new box, Viola. I hope Jacks and Mr.G get on well in their new place.
Yay for a new box. How sad about Mr. G and his brother. I hope they will be safe. It is OK to be naughty Quint. XO
All bets are off, eh Quint?
A fresh new box…oh, how glorious!
Dearest Colehauscats,
Quint sure looks like a rebel and he OWNS the buffet—one can tell.
Tessa just looks.
And Viola couldn’t be happier with her new found fresh box!
Those expressions say so much.
SAD indeed for not seeing Mr. G and Jacks ever again in your yard…
We get so used to visiting friend cats!
Mariette + Kitties
Sometimes your feelings just need a vent, or a table top.
It’s a lovely new box, I hope it serves you well.
May those kitties have a fabulous life.
Viola, that is one awesome new box, and it’s just for you! 🙂
We’re sad that Mr. G and Jacks have moved, but somewhat relieved that their family really did take them to their new place. XO