06/26/2015 – The Hot Weather Grumpies

Ms. Grumps McGrumperson - 2015 © Colehauscats.com

Ms. Grumps McGrumperson – 2015 © Colehauscats.com

Hot. It’s going to be hot today and even hotter tomorrow. Like setting a new record kind of hot. Like boiling hot. Like frying an egg hot. Hot like we all have to sit around in here with all the curtains and blinds and doors tightly closed for fear the sun will cook us alive kind of hot.

Pia GrumpyPants - 2015 © Colehauscats.com

Pia GrumpyPants – 2015 © Colehauscats.com

We aren’t even supposed to be thinking of toasty things. No roast chicken, no fried fish, no hot boyfriend. I’m lucky I found this one sunpuddle on this warm rug to lie on else I freeze to death while everyone else claims to be broiling! It’s not fair.

Not so grumpy Pia - 2015 © Colehauscats.com

Not so grumpy Pia – 2015 © Colehauscats.com

Mom: Hey! Who wants ice cream? Any warm kitties want a bite of cool, refreshing vanilla ice cream? Any kitties who aren’t complaining, that is? Complainers need not apply. Pia, you aren’t complaining, are you?

Did someone say ice cream? - 2015 © Colehauscats.com

Did someone say ice cream? – 2015 © Colehauscats.com

Ice cream?

Whew! That was close! - 2015 © Colehauscats.com

Whew! That was close! – 2015 © Colehauscats.com

Did I say it was hot? Silly me. I’m sure I didn’t know what I was saying. The heat must have left me confused.

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24 Responses to 06/26/2015 – The Hot Weather Grumpies

  1. Toby & Leia says:

    Oh of course it wasn’t you! that Not Me, just tries to ruin everything. Go enjoy the tasty treat, ginger princess.

  2. Pia, you have such a beautiful expressive face! It’s hot here too and Annabelle has been looking for cool places to stretch out!

  3. Wishing you cooler weather soon, Pia! You are just the prettiest!

  4. Ice cream!! We know there’s some in our freezer so we’re hoping to get some licks of it at dinner time.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. kittiesblue says:

    Hope y’all got your ice cream. We can relate to this heat wave. We’ve been having 90s. Luckily we are getting a two-day reprieve. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  6. Tommy will be right over – he will do anything for ice cream. We are lucky – this weekend is supposed to be a little cooler. 🙂

  7. Jenna says:

    You get ice cream? I’ll have to have a talk with the human about why I never get ice cream 🙁

  8. Joan Ryan says:

    You have been insanely hot there and we are most sympathetic. For us, it is the norm. High today expected at 109. We are tough though. We could sure use some of that ice cream!
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  9. Madi and Mom says:

    Golly gee do we know your pain. Yesterday was the very first day in 11 days out high wasn’t 95+. It only reached 90. My peeps have had all the shades drawn for 2 weeks. Mom said she was beginning to feel like a mole. The Only sun I saw was the sky light. Our hots are back today but we hear tomorrow will be stormy and cooler for the weekend
    Hugs madi your bfff

  10. pilch92 says:

    Your look in that last photo is priceless- I hope you get your ice cream 🙂

  11. Summer says:

    Although it’s not as hot here in southern California as it is up where you are… I’d still like some ice cream!

  12. yum ice cream! Hoping it cools off for you soon!!

  13. Annabelle says:

    Oh I love ice cream too!!!

  14. BeadedTail says:

    Ice cream is the only good thing about our record breaking hots!

  15. ewok1993 says:

    Ice cream is any weather food.

    Emma and Buster

  16. We bet ice cream will hit the spot!

    The weather has been so wacky lately…we’re actually having cooler than normal temps…like barely hitting 70.

  17. celineoriet says:

    Pia you look gorgeous in the sun! Stay cool with yummy vanilla ice cream!

  18. We hope you got some ice cream ! Purrs

  19. pia….we troo lee hurd ewe say …yes mom fried fish iz de way two go in thiz weatherz coz itz sew kewl outside…knot az kewl as de 157 minus we had earlier thiz yeer……but yez, kewl all de same N eye wood like two bowlz oh ice creem pleez !!!

    heerz two a bigmouth buffalo { yep itza fish } !! kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  20. Ice cream? I’m there!

  21. Fraidy Cats! says:

    say, it’s egg frying hot here too, can we have some I-scream?

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

  22. meowmeowmans says:

    The hots are no fun. We sure hope that ice cream thing works out for you, Pia! 🙂

  23. Pretinha says:

    Uau isso é muito quente para qualquer gatinho… acho que um sorvete vai bem! Certo Pia! hehehee

  24. Pia you can send some of the hot´s over here 🙂
    Hope you got some jummy vanilla ice cream !


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