A couple of weeks ago, Miss Newton had her dental work done and she’s feeling pretty special about surviving that. So imagine, if you will, how much MORE special she felt when she received a package in the mail from someone very special herself – the Tooth Fairy!
The package contained some crocheted things – a red fish, a soft multi-colored fish, and a chicken drumstick, and they all smelled really, really good! Even the Tooth Fairy’s card smelled good!
“I like these fishies,” she said. “But I wasn’t the only one who had my toofies cleaned. I bet my brother Quint would like these, too!”
You all know how polite Miss Newton is, always sharing her toys and kibble treats. She even dictated a thank you email for Mom to send to the Tooth Fairy! That’s just the kind of girl Miss Newton is.
Or, just maybe, she shared her Tooth Fairy fishies with Quint because she wanted the chicken drumstick all to herself. That girl loves her some chicken drumstick!
Quint didn’t need to be asked twice if he’d like the Tooth Fairy’s fishies.
These are for nomming,” he said, and got to work putting the bites on those fishies.
Thank you so very much, Tooth Fairy!
Miss Itty, that was so nice of you to share your gifts. Those are the greatest toys.
Wow those crochet toys are pawsome Quint.
We’d keep the drumstick too. It looks very nom-able.
That was so sweet to get the gifts, then share them. May they be loved for a long time.
How wonderful that the Tooth Fairy sent toys! No one knows who the Tooth Fairy is, but I have my suspicions….
I know who that too fairy is and boy, she sure is special. I has a drumstick TOO and I LOVES it. My mom loves it too…just watching me play with it. xoxoxox
I think I know who the Tooth Fairy is! Was it Ellen from 15 and Meowing? Soooo sweet! catchatwithcarenandcody
Awwww, these are such sweet photos.
Emma and Buster
OMC, could you possibly be any sweeter, Miss Newton??? Enjoy your special toys…that Tooth Fairy such is wonderful!
I can tell those toys are already well loved!
Thank you for sharing these photos, they are so sweet. It is nice to see happy kitties after going through the teeth pulling. XO
Wow! The tooth fairy was very nice to you. We hope your teeth are in good shape now!
The Tooth Fairy does it up just right!
guys…phoebe & crew…..oooopz…we meen …de tooth fairy… makes de best toyz for sure…..that was total lee awesum oh her ta send em yur way newton & total lee awesum oh ewe ta share ♥♥♥♥♥
A fada dos dentes é muito legal, esses brinquedos são muito divertidos.
Miss Newton e Quint, adorei as fotos de vocês.
That was so thoughtful! The Tooth Fairy is taking good care of you.
Wow, that was really nice of the Tooth Fairy to send you those gifts. Makes us wish we needed a dental.
We think the Tooth Fairy TOTALLY ROCKS!!!!!
Oh boy! What a sweet tooth fairy! Sharing is caring!
That Tooth Fairy sure is the best, isn’t she? Have fun with your wonderful toys, sweet kitties!
OMC, how wonderful that the Tooth Fairy visited you! She must be very, very kind. Those look like some nice soft toys to play with and nom. These pictures of you and Quint are precious!
Wow, the Tooth Fairy visited you? How exciting!