Let’s not do that again, Mom. I am so over going to the vet.

In other Monday-ish news, our microwave caught fire early last week. We somewhat expected it. It was old for a microwave, a free-standing model located well away from anything else that might have caught fire except the sorry little potato flaming cooking inside. Do you remember life before microwaves? Mom had to think about that for a moment before remembering why she used to love Minute Rice so much. Survival food she called it. Technically, it can be made with hot tap water if a stove or microwave wasn’t available to heat the water.
Anyway, we’ll get another one in a few weeks. No biggie. All the cats say they don’t ever want to hear those smoke detectors going off again. Mom agrees.
And then, sometime last Sunday, our 25 year old refrigerator died. 25 years is a LONG time for a refrigerator and honestly, any time, be it one year old or last week, would have been an inconvenience to stop working. Technically, no one needs a fridge. It’s true! The internet says so!
This replacement is going to take a bit longer because Dad’s picky and doesn’t want a garage sale special. Mom’s looking at it like it’s camping when everyone eats out of a can with a pair of pliers and if you have too much left over, well, you’d better eat more or attract the bears raccoons who, by the way, enjoyed three hundred dollars of ground turkey, hot dogs, six TV dinners, assorted breads and buns, several bags of blueberries and mixed veggies, a dozen eggs, two bags of shredded cheese, and a pound of butter after we discovered the problem 24 hours later.

Elsewhere and the very minute Mom was typing up this blog post, through the window she saw someone walking across the street; someone as is a kitty visitor. Only, that’s no kitty. Luckily, Mom took photographic evidence before racing downstairs and outside to see it up close.
When we lived in a rental property across town decades ago, we regularly hand-fed baby opossums. We’re used to their behavior and are comfortable with them. Nowadays, we count ourselves lucky if we see one every five years or so. We have too many big predators on this side of town.

Mr. G was interested but wisely kept his distance. Mom said it looks smallish for this time of year but healthy looking, and it might have been a male. It didn’t hiss at her or freeze into place – Opossums don’t have good eyesight but good noses. His fur looked good and soft. No, she didn’t touch it (but gave thought to it).

And then, after assessing the situation like only opossums can, Pauly Opossum turned away from the sound of Mom’s voice and waddled away up under a neighbor’s porch. Mom calls this a special moment.
~ ~ ~ ~

Where’s Mr. G today? Why, right there waiting by the garage door with his brother Jacks/Bunny. No needing to search for him today. Our time’s getting short with him. His family’s been packing up their backyard things for a couple of weeks now, getting ready to move back to Idaho. Just a few more pettings and brushings, boys, before you’re off on a big new adventure.
~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2023 – No post
2022 – Opinions
2021 – No post
2020 – One Word Wednesday
2019 – MultiCat Monday
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – Friday Fun
2015 – Good Morning, Zuzu
2014 – No post
2013 – ManCat on a Mission
2012 – No post
We never like going to the vet even though they make us feel better sometimes.
TBT says small amounts in the M/W should have a bowl of water in it too to absorb excess energy.
We had the oven heating elements “catch fire” once. TBT had Dad go outside on the deck while he sprayed it. And called the fire department to come make sure it was safe. He bought a new oven the next day.
The last time the smoke detector went off, it wouldn’t stop. So he beat it off the ceiling with a hammer. He needs to replace it.
We got a new refrigerator a couple months. Tell Dad to check Consumer Reports about those. But pay attention to size. A half inch too tall can be a half inch too tall. LOL!
Marley here: I used to see possums on the deck at night, but it has been a few years since the last one. I think outdoor critters are vanishing. My younger siblings have never seen one.
Good hopes to Mr G and Brother at their new home.
Sorry to read that you’ve had an appliance debacle!
Sorry too, to Quint. Vet visits are horrible, for humans too.
I am glad your vet visit is finished with, Quint. It is always the same, when one thing packs up you can bet something else will.
Dearest Colehaus Cats,
That is enough for having to replace at once, a microwave + refrigerator will do!
Oh my, you Opossum pictures are incredible, especially lovely that hind leg—calmly striding away!
Sad to know that Mr. G and his brother Jacks will be moving away…
Mariette + Kitties
That stinks about losing all that food and needing to replace 2 appliances. I will miss seeing these two and hope they will be safe in their new home. I hope their owner keeps them inside a bit so they know where they live.
Possums are SO cute! The microwave and fridge at the same time is a lot!
I do hope the vet visit doesn’t have to be repeated for a year.
Any appliance can catch fire if it either heats things, such as microwaves or ovens, or if it has a motor. We’ve lost a microwave, a coffee maker, a washing machine, two dishwashers and a refrigerator.
Having to live without a fridge is a major pain in the posterior, I hope you get another really good one soon.
Yikes, vet visits and appliance demises are no fun at all. We are glad they’re in your rear view mirror for the time being, though. We sure will miss seeing Mr. G and Jacks.
Iza used ta get excited seeing “strange kitties” out on the deck at night. They were possums of course, but she didn’t know that. We haven’t seen any recently though.