Tessa, a.k.a. Danger Cat, was a lost and found kitten. After weeks of looking for her real home, she finally became a Colehaus Cat, as if that wouldn’t have happened. We think she had a plan all along and it went spectacularly well.

Can’t you just tell by looking at her that she knew exactly what she was doing, weaseling her way into our hearts, playing cute and coy and all?

Once officially settled in, Tessa wasted exactly no time setting up priorities and rules. For example, this mousepad she was laying on, she loved it and would nip at Mom’s hand whenever the mouse needed moving. Clearly, she saw it as hers. Luckily for us, Tessa soon tired of the nipping game and set to work chewing the mousepad corners. Yeah, lucky us. We quickly learned not to leave her alone for more than a minute. This kitten was into EVERYTHING.

It was hard to be firm with this gray and white tuxie terror, though, and harder to yell at her for anything wrong. This pose was an often used one. Yeah, she knew what she was doing, all righty.

Over the years, she’s given us a few scares and we’ve exercised our lungs a number of times. Jumping/surfing off the short loft wall to the floor some twenty-two feet down seemed to be her favorite sport for a year, chasing other cats was a hobby for a while, and picking on the squirt Viola in recent memory because they are so much alike.

Mom says she always wished for a tuxie cat, and then she got one. We think Tessa wished for a good home where she could do whatever she wanted feel safe, well fed, and loved. We think we both won that deal.
You can read a bit more about Tessa at our About page here.
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2019 – Wednesday’s Whoppers
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015 – International Box Day
2014 – No post
2013 – One Word Wednesday – Shhhh
2012 – No post
Tessa was a cutie kitten and is a beautiful ladyycat now.
The Florida Furkids
Tessa, you were such a little cutie! And you got the best home ever.
Tessa, I firmly believe that cats choose their humans!
What an adorable kitten!
tessa….we N joyed yur storee; iz two day yur gotcha day bye de way ? any way, never forgetz ewe CAN due what ewe want… bee coz…. at sum point ….yur peepulz haz ta SLEEP !!!
We love that you went after what you wanted sweet Tessa!
Tessa was a cute kitten and still adorable.
Aww, I never knew Tessa’s story before! And… somehow… it does not surprise me one bit!
Tessa, we think you found your home from the get-go. Silly humans wasting their time trying to find another one….
Tessa was and still is such a cutie. No wonder she stole your heart.
What a little cutie you were, Tessa. And it does seem like everyone ended up winning. 🙂
Oh my heart! Those kitten photos about did me in.
Tessa, you are a smarty. We kitties always know what we want and will work until we get it, and that usually means just being adorable. And you did that purrfectly. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer