Today, we’re listing five statements that may or may not be true. Three are absolute truths and two are wild statements without a shred of honesty whatsoever. Think you know these Colehaus Cats? Can you spot the whoppers?

1 – Viola used to be the only Colehaus Cat to regularly curl up with Mom when she’s using the computer. A month ago, Tessa took up the same habit, though not when Viola is already there.

2 – Pia is a superior ant-hunter.

3 – Olivia regularly pulls all cat beds and blankets into a pile on the floor that she alone sleeps on.

4 – Viola has a big patch of white fur on her belly.

5 – Daily intake of Miralax has made Quint’s fur softer than the softest bunny fur.
So, how do you think you did?
Numbers 1, 2 and 5 are complete truths: – Tessa often insists on laying across Mom’s wrists when she’s typing (Mom typing, not Tessa). Viola’s usually nearby glaring at Tessa. – No ant is safe with Pia in the house, and ant-hater Mom thanks her for that. – And not that we’re suggesting anyone consume Miralax just for the added benefit of soft fur, or hair, but well, if that’s your thing, have at it!
3 and 4 are utterly false: – Olivia might “think” about pulling and piling all the beds and blankets for her own cozy nook, but she hasn’t done it yet which is surprising because she does love snuggling under covers. – And if you’ve seen any of Viola’s full photos anytime recently, you know her belly is almost all ginger-colored like her mama Angel Zuzu, with exception of dark belly spots, which she doesn’t mind anyone kissing.
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Viola shares a little something for International Box Day. Decisions, decisions. Ultimately, she decided she liked the box she was already in. We thought she’d like the bread loaf-shaped box. Shows what we know!
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2018 – No post but here’s a random one for fun!
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015 – International Box Day
2014 – No post
2013 – One Word Wednesday – Shhh
2012 – No post
Interesting tidbit about the Miralax. Benny gets a tiny amount each day for constipation. We haven’t noticed any fur change.
I got them RIGHT! Yea me.
How much Miralax?
I thought the ant hunter was a whopper because my cats just like to watch ants, they never kill them.
I was sure #3 was wrong, and I was right! I hesitated about #5, but if Quint’s intake and outtake are flowing well, then I can see how his fur (and everything else!) would change. Being stopped up is no fun. And Da Boyz are great ant pointerouterers, but they don’t do much more than that!
How funny that Pia hunts ants! We hate them here (including my human), and nobody wants anything to do with them.
guyz….we got one outta 7 rite….which we guezz iz better N zee roe outta 8 !!
happee card bord day two everee one 🙂 ♥♥
Those were three fun truths!
We weren’t sure about number 4, but we figured number 3 was not true.
I got them right! Flynn was fascinated by ants and would watch them for ages before deciding to eat them.
Mirilax? Really?
Woohoo! We got them right! 🙂 That was so much fun, sweet friends. 🙂
We hunt any bugs that get in here.
You’re all just a bunch of cuties aren’t you? Tell us how can your humans get work done around the house with all you looking way too cute?
We were sure #2 about the ants was false. They taste rather strong.
Bear likes to roll in ants!!! I know! GROSS! Then again, maybe the only reason he does it is because it horrifies me.
We didn’t get them all right. Darn!