For some reason, we have California poppies growing in the yard this year. They aren’t in a good location, and they don’t take transplanting well, so we’re leaving them for another two weeks. Undoubtedly, they will seed and we’ll have poppies everywhere but small ones handle transplanting better and Mom says she’ll move those when/if they come up.
We’re setting records nearly every month so far this year for the amount of rain and cool weather we’ve had. It snowed here in April. Our drought, heat, and record setting 116 degree day last summer was awful. Our thoughts go out to those going through ridiculous heat in other parts of the country, not to mention tornados and drought.

Someone else living in the neighborhood had their own bout with water damage, in this case, through their roof. We replaced our roof in 2020 and are happy with it. Still, after this year’s record rainfall, this scene gave us the heebie-jeebies.

Here’s a bad idea. This “nest,” which we’re certain has been abandoned, was located not quite five feet above a concrete patio along the very path neighborhood cats take to get from one side of our backyard to the other. From the back rest of chairs that sit directly below, raccoons could have easily reached this nest as well. It’s all about location, location, location, and this location was not a good one.
At Colehaus, a contractor contacted us and we’re happy to say a small piece of many parts yet to be tackled is being worked on now toward getting our primary bathroom shower back. We’re still hoping the whole job will be finished before the end of the year, and we’re not kidding. Contractors in our area are booked through mid-October now and thanks to an insurance snafu, we don’t have anyone on board yet.
But, that soggy carpet bedroom that was partially flooded after Shower leak #1 will have new flooring installed next week. Mom hopes to come home from work that day very angry so she’ll have all the energy in the world to move everything back into that room within some ridiculously short amount of time, and the cats can have their Cat Den back. And we’ll hope this computer recovers from having months of dust from the cat litter boxes located right next to this desk settle on and in it. Really, you should see the mess some nameless kitty makes in the closest box.

That cat wonders when she’ll get that room back, though we know for absolute certain, she has enjoyed every minute she’s been allowed up on the kitchen counter where, for lack of a better spot at the time, her feeder is located. Will she forevermore be fed on that counter? Will she rebel if we say no? Will we rebel if she says no to our no? Time will tell. Regardless, we think we’re stuck with having a litter box permanently located downstairs. We’re going to have to get creative making that work.

And then, during a brief half-day of dry sunshine, Tippy came to visit. Despite Mom tells him over and over how both she and Dad have gained Lloyd’s trust and he even enjoys brushies and chicken catnip treats, Tippy held his aloofness. Oh, Tippy.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2021 – No post
2020 – Wordless Wednesday
2019 – A Sunshine Baff
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – Foster Friday with Miss Itty
2015 – Wordless Wednesday
2014 – No post
2013 – ManCat Monday – Personalities – Quint
2012 – No post
If nothing else, the poppies are a beautiful color.
The image of Tippy is adorable, and the nameless kitty who flings litter all over the place learned at the same school Da Boyz attended!
Sending purrs that one day soon, things go your way and you can get on with enjoying life and cats.
Tippy is a very nice looking cat. Purrs you can gain his confidence soon.
Purrs, Julie
We hope all of your home issues can get fixed soon. We’ve heard how hard it is to get contractors/supplies/workers.
Tippy is very handsome!
Good luck getting all your repairs done sooner than the end of the year. I bet Tippy will warm up someday.
Oh Tippy, why don’t you come in and say hello!
House issues are the worst, according to my human! At the moment, she is lucky that the biggest problems are extras and not necessities.
Those poppies are so pretty. Sorry they’re not in a good spot!
We are glad at last a few things are sort of starting to move with all those repairs.