05/01/2017 – Multi Ginger Monday

Welcome to the month of May! If you live in a city very close to our town, welcome to Riot in Downtown Day. Grrr….

Moving along, someone elsewhere was telling someone else how rare ginger girls are, going on and on how only so many are born and how even more rare it was to find one to adopt. Mom’s not one to let such incorrect information pass by without saying something. She sees ginger girls all the time in shelters who need forever homes, and her respect level automatically goes up many more notches for those who adopt, permanently adopt that is, a ginger girl. They can be stubborn, difficult, very opinionated, and from time-to-time, downright cranky.

They can also be extremely loving and exceptionally loyal.

Mom posted a photo collage of our four ginger girls to that someone elsewhere and opened a can of worms at the same time. Our Mom…. can’t let things be, can’t keep her lips zipped.

Our ginger girls - © Colehauscats.com

Our ginger girls – © Colehauscats.com

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25 Responses to 05/01/2017 – Multi Ginger Monday

  1. Marg says:

    We have a ginger girl cat and she is a very nice cat. Her name is Little Bit and we adopted her. It is so sad that some cats get a bad rap.

  2. Such beautiful ginger kitties!

  3. Rene S says:

    We are learning so much about our new ginger girl. She’s the smartest cat I’ve ever known, and very routine driven. I can already tell that she will be fiercely devoted to her people–like she’s forever grateful for her home. She’s opinionated, for sure, but she’s a keeper. We can’t imagine her any other way. 🙂

  4. 4 ginger ladies in one house for sure makes for fun fun fun!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. you have the most beautiful ginger girls ever!!!

  6. Katie Isabella says:

    mom loves Ginger Girls. I never said anything but Mom and I were under that mistaken impression as well. You four ladies are powerful incentives to have a Ginger Girl. Mom’s misunderstanding was they are rare.

  7. Bernadette says:

    I missed that conflagration! You are absolutely right, ginger girls are special, but not especially rare. We’ve fostered several, but they’ve always been adopted. Love to your Ginger Quartet!

  8. Our friends had three ginger girls; now all passed. They are partial to ginger kitties, male or female! Hope the ruckus wasn’t too bad!

  9. A beautiful sisterhood of the Gingers!

  10. We are very big fans of oranges here.

  11. We loved seeing all you ginger girls together.

  12. Summer says:

    And here I was thinking that the ginger girls are rare because you had adopted most of them! 😉

  13. we have fostered at least one orange momma cat. those orange girls aren’t as rare as some people seem to think

  14. R cuzin perky; perkolator for long ~~~~~ waz ginger sorta N bak in R dayz oh de catster era we new sum ginger galz ….N yea, perky hada tood, but then sew did dude !! 🙂 ♥♥

  15. you gotta love those gingers!

  16. Brian says:

    We thing ginger girls are super special!!

  17. Gotta love that Ginger loveliness 🙂 Maybe I will be lucky enough to be picked by a ginger the next time it is time to adopt!
    Marty’s Mom

  18. 15andmeowing says:

    You have such gorgeous gingers.

  19. Well, we know ginger girls aren’t rare…but there usually are more boy gingers than girl gingers. And we think your four girls are beautiful representatives of all gingers.

  20. anniek263 says:

    I know there’s nothing more special than my beautiful ginger princess and her 3 beautiful gingery sisfurs! Love to you all you beautiful girls. Dexter

  21. Cathy Keisha says:

    I used to think they were rare until I joined the CB. Y’all have a lot of those ginger girls. Now I wonder about calico boy cats.

  22. Just Ducky says:

    Gingerness is always welcome.

  23. ewok1993 says:

    I see Ginger Calendar for 2018!

    Emma and Buster

  24. There are stupid people … and I’d be right there with your Mom. When I started blogging, I spent most of my time on Facebook and it shocked me the misinformation passed around on there about cats. Some was unintentional … but there was one page that was doing it on purpose to get clicks (it said vaccinations cause cancer – but gave no information or context). I confronted the woman (after reading tons of comments from panicked people wanting clarification) and she blocked me from her page when I answered their questions. She was referring to vaccination-related sarcomas – but she didn’t use that terminology so people didn’t have the information to do a search for themselves. I’m not confrontational by nature … but you just don’t screw with people’s love for their furbabies. And inciting panic and anguish to make a quick buck is abhorrent. That’s just ugly and cruel.
    It’s interesting though because I remember reading that 1/400 gingers are girls … but since I’ve started blogging, I’ve come across a ton of female gingers (one of our Facebook followers, Annie Bear, your four … ). I’ve fallen in love with your ginger girls – they capture my heart – as do all your kitties. Truly, your blog is such a pleasure and joy to read!

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