A quiet day here today. No holiday for Mom who recently discovered her job doesn’t offer any holiday days off but does pay time and a half for the first eight hours on a holiday after forty hours are worked (hers is a twelve-hour a day job).
Dad’s here, watching over things, this being his usual day off. As long as no one goes on a barf-o-rama spree, he’ll have a quiet day, too. Because Thursday promises to be the warmest day we’ve yet had this year (80 degrees F.), all cats will save their barf for then, which is Mom’s day off, and the day workers are scheduled to fix shower leak #2.
Thank YOU again, dear friends of Colehaus Cats for kindly donating toward Quint’s recent vet stay. And thank YOU so much for your kind words, good thoughts, cat litter, and food from our Amazon wish list. Quint’s feeling much better and sends thank you purrs to every one of you. Thank you.

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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2021 – No post
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – Deep Thoughts, by Pia
2017 – No post
2016 – Memorial Day
2015 – No post
2014 – Tessa Time
2013 – No post
2012 – No post
It’s hot here too, and because of the heat, I walk around barefoot.
Guess what I stepped in this morning, kitties?
Glad Quint is feeling better. Sorry your mom doesn’t get a day off. XO
Glad Quint is feeling better.
It’s hotter up where you are than it is down here in SoCal!
I was 96 degrees here today, but tomorrow is only supposed to be 65. Weird Northeast weather!
Sorry Mom Cole does not get a day off, but glad she can get a little compensation is she has to work a holiday. Yay for Quint feeling better! XO