It’s May and while we still had a lot of rain earlier in the month, a couple of near-hot weekends have poked flowers into making their appearance at last.
The blooms on the Star Magnolia are winding down. We continue to be amazed at how pretty (and messy) this tree has turned out when we thought we were going to lose it. We planted it in a poor spot, not knowing what it could become. Once we removed those borer-infected and diseased birch trees (that we still love and miss), the Star Magnolia tree took off.

Dad’s red tulips are back up. His favorite tulips are called Temple of Beauty and are the lighter red-orange of this bunch, but because the bulbs here are old, most of them have run their course and no longer come up. A couple of years ago, Mom added a few inexpensive red Darwin-type bulbs when she was unable to find more Temple of Beauty and all seem to get along great together.

We were certain we had lost our Basket of Gold last year when we had unusually hot, we’re-living-on-the-sun-now weather. Mom shrugged, pulled the entire crisped thing out, and closed that chapter in our gardening life. Ha! It seeded itself and looks better than original!

In a permanently shady spot, the white trillium is back up and with six buds this year!

After a bit of hot-weather burn-back and some trimming, the sprawling Kinnikinick is blooming well. Mom has a fascination with this plant for some reason. She can’t really explain it other than it fits where it grows and she likes that it’s evergreen.

Shaggy seems to be the designated visiting mama raccoon again this year. She’s three years old now and this may be her last breeding year. Like last year, she’ll probably take on the roll of auntie raccoon for someone else’s kits while raising her own and we can only hope that while she’ll introduce the next generation to this safe sanctuary area, she won’t let them get away with the same destructive behavior last year’s batch were hell-bent to cause. Mom will have a talk with Shaggy soon and maybe that’ll help.

Neighborhood visitor Colby comes by twice a day now, alternating between feeling safe and secure one minute versus taking off like his tail was on fire at the sound of our voices the next. Mom really wants to brush him, even though he doesn’t seem matted anywhere at all. He looks like a big boy but under his fur, he feels like an average-sized cat. No clue as to his age or where his home is yet, but we’re working on it.
We continue to be okay. We’re working on getting house-related things worked on while socking away a few dollars here and there for savings and future vet bills. Dad got a forty-two cent raise and Mom changed job positions, went through a vigorous training period, and is back on her regular shift. A BIG THANK YOU goes out to a special Friend of Colehaus who thinks of us often and helped pay for Pia’s recent, outstanding vet visit. And THANK YOU for everyone who provided tips toward getting Pia to transition over to wet food at last!
Thanks for visiting us today!

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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2022 – No post
2021 – No post
2020 – Flashback Friday
2019 – Wordless Wednesday
2018 – No post
2017 – Happy Victoria Day with Pia
2016 – No post
2015 – Friday Fun
2014 – No post
2013 – Two Statues
2012 – No post
Beautiful garden & flower photos, we so love trillium … as for all else, wishing you well as life goes on.
Just planted trilliums in our backyard; never thought I’d find some!
Hope mine end up as beautiful as yours.
Pia is just gorgeous.
The flowers are lovely. I don’t know if it is the same plant, but we call them Pieris here. I have several and they have an abundance of those tiny white flowers. Then when they finish flowering in spring, depending on the variety the leaves turn golden or fiery red. I bought two more this year because they give such a lovely display.
The Kinnikinick are lovely too. Pia has such a lovely face.
Thank you for the garden tour, Pia. Beautiful blooms.And Colby is adorable.
Pretty flowers!
Wow, spring really has sprung at your place, Pia. We hope Mom Cole’s talk with Shaggy goes well. 😉