05/03/2024 – Finally Friday

Visitors Colby and Lloyd, 2023 © Colehauscats.com
Visitors Colby and Lloyd, 2023 © Colehauscats.com

These are visitors Colby and Lloyd, two neighborhood cats who may, or more than likely, may not have permanent homes somewhere in the area. They are both regular visitors here at the Colehaus Feeding Stations of Kibble-y Goodness. And until last weekend, both got along with each other perfectly fine. We have photographic proof!

Visitor Colby © Colehauscats.com
Visitor Colby © Colehauscats.com

Colby (name appointed by Mom) is a gloriously floofy and friendly orange and white boy who probably isn’t neutered and is uncapturable at this time. Twice last year, he had a good portion of his left cheek gouged in some kind of fight with something. While he’s now missing the fur from that side of his face, both incidents healed well on their own. From the amount of grease and oil on his tail, we suspect he lives under a car, possibly being stored in a backyard (there are several un-official backyard junkyards in this development). Mom has been unable to find his true home and no one lays claim to him.

Visitor Lloyd © Colehauscats.com
Visitor Lloyd © Colehauscats.com

Lloyd (real name unknown) is a friendly and handsome Lynx point Siamese boy with blue eyes who probably isn’t neutered and is also uncapturable at this time. He regularly shows up with minor scratches on his nose from some kind of fight with something. His scratched nose heals well on its own. Months ago, Mom saw him walking along a quiet sidewalk toward a well-to-do development over a quarter of a mile away. To date, Mom has been unable to find his true home.

Last weekend, both were caught fighting at our side yard feeding stations. Mom put an end to it by sticking her foot between the two and is very, very thankful she had thick shoes on. Colby attacked her shoe, nearly biting through it, and then, shot out the hole in our fence to parts unknown. Lloyd stayed a few minutes longer but was skittish and left shortly after.

Mom says she’ll break up any other fight she sees them in and isn’t sorry her shoe got bit. Using a broom, she once took on a rambunctious raccoon, and she says that was scarier.

Let’s now look at some nice cats who get along with each other.

Nice cats Tessa and Quint © Colehauscats.com
Nice cats Tessa and Quint © Colehauscats.com

Yes, Tessa and Quint sometimes have their moments when they aren’t fond of one another. That day isn’t today. Good kitties.

~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2023Worrisome Wednesday
2022 – No post
2021MultiCat Monday
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017Almost Wordless Wednesday
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014 – No post
2013Maxx Blue Eyes
2012Clearly, a Writer’s Cat

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7 Responses to 05/03/2024 – Finally Friday

  1. Here’s hoping that Colby and Lloyd are TNR’d soon, so their fighting days will be over.
    Look at the size of those noggins!

  2. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    colby and lloyd, ewe doodz haz ben sharin terra torry fora while,
    get bak ta bee in friendz with each other 💙💚and nice catz 😺tessa
    and quint, 984 pawz up to yur nice paw rentz, for makin sure
    de vizitorz haz sum place two call home, even if onlee for a wee bit 🐟💙💚‼️

  3. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    there will probably be more set toos if they are both not neutered, and it is the time of year when they will be more territorial.

  4. 15andmeowing says:

    Is there a group in your area you could call to help TNR these two?

    • colehauscats says:

      Yes, but with conditions. Someone must be here during the entire time in order to trap and trap the correct cat. We aren’t able to do that at this time. 🙁

  5. meowmeowmans says:

    We hope Colby and Lloyd can be captured and neutered at some point. We bet that will help cut down on potential fights. Good job, Tessa and Quint. XO

  6. It’s so hard to be feral/semi-feral. I hope someone can trap and neuter them someday.

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