Call me Smug Olivia today because I’ve been successfully avoiding having my photo taken for almost three months. I “let” mom take this one because I didn’t want her to lose interest in me or anything. I’m feeling pretty good about myself!
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We hope you’ll help us by telling us how you managed that Olivia.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
It’s good that you were generous and gracious to your Mom today. They need that you know, otherwise they get all mopey and sad. What good is a sad hoomin?
We can tell you are feeling great, Olivia…your tail is straight up!
as you should beautiful lady!
We think you should definitely let your mom take your photo more often – you are so beautiful! Love that little white patch on your chest 🙂
Olivia you are too pretty not to have your picture taken more often.
Boodie’s pretty good at that too! She prefers staying in the background if she is in a photo at all.
3 months? I’m lucky if I go 3 hours.
Smug and smart I say! Please share your secret to this phenomonal
Madi yor bfff
We feel lucky anytime you choose to grace us with your presence!
So love that little whisp of a tuxedo you are wearing!
Olivia você é uma menina linda!
Por favor deixe sua mamãe tirar fotos de você para que possamos apreciá-la.
that’s a long time to avoid the camera! I personally enjoy being photographed. It boosts my ego. – Crepes.
You are looking beautiful Olivia.
You are a beautiful panther, Olivia. I think more photos are definitely in order.
Good job, beautiful Olivia. And very wise of you to “let” mom take your picture. You know, just to keep her interested. 🙂
You are looking very beauty-full. You should let your picture be taken more often.
Olivia, we’re so glad to see you!
Oh Olivia, you sure look pretty today with your coat shiny. Take care.
beautifuls you are, wowza! thanks for showing you offs to all us.
You’re beautiful, Olivia ! Thank you for coming and say hello ! Purrs
Olivia, you are so pretty. You should let Mom take more photos of you.
Well played! We must continue to keep our humans on their toes!
You’re feeling good Olivia, but you sure look good too!! 😉 xx
Well you are a beauty and good going about that!