04/08/2016 – Friday Flashback

Quint and Olivia - 2012-2016 © Colehauscats.com

Quint and Olivia – 2012-2016 © Colehauscats.com

From their 2012 first album, “Two of Eight,” it’s Quint and Olivia of the band Trouble.

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22 Responses to 04/08/2016 – Friday Flashback

  1. We didn’t know that you two were both in trouble!!!

  2. Toby & Leia says:

    Quint, we thought you were the poster kitteh for Good Behavior. Do you have a dark side too??

  3. Sweet!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. But, they look so innocent!

  5. Joan Ryan says:

    Quint the troublemaker! Nah. We’re not buying that. Sorry.
    Angels Normie and Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  6. Tina Barbour says:

    Oh, surely those beautiful kitties can’t get into trouble! 🙂

  7. Katie Isabella says:

    Hello sweet faces and dear kitties.

  8. cecilia07 says:

    Mol Mol Mol I am one kitty and I can find trouble…or maybe trouble finds me, purrty pics
    Madi your bffff

  9. Summer says:

    I think Binga was a founding member of that group.

  10. Cathy Keisha says:

    The Band of Trouble sounds like a great band name for a bunch of gangstas. Surely those guys aren’t gangstas.

  11. Uh oh!!! How can such sweet faces be trouble?!?!!!

  12. I’d like to hear some of those songs… who’s on vocals?

    • colehauscats says:

      Tessa’s got the lead (though Pia thinks that’s her role) and Miss Newton is a master of skins. Viola “helps” with occasional percussion, a.k.a. wind chimes and water glasses off tables.

  13. Trouble? Are you on tour this year?

  14. We wanna hear the songs they sing. 🙂

    • colehauscats says:

      Sure. They start the album with a little “Hey, you fuzzy one” followed by “Two of Cats,” “Litterbox for hire,” “Be my black cat tonight,” “Fur on your heart,” “Unattended glass on the table,” “What’s a Cat got to do with it?” and end with “The Final Catdown.”

  15. Brian says:

    You both look darn sweet to me!

  16. Oh, now this is the kind of band I could be a fan of! Rock on!

  17. We’d like an encore album!

  18. mrpuddy9 says:

    The Band of trouble ?
    Sound cool to Meow =^x^=

  19. meowmeowmans says:

    This looks like an album we’d love! Rock on!

  20. guys…we loved de sound trax from side A…song three… & we waz buzzed happee ta see it make de top ten chartz !!! ♥♥♥

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