Who says you can’t play with Christmas toys in late April? This particular Christmas Yeowww toy is actually a Secret Santa Paws gift from about six years ago and before now, had been marinating nicely in its original Christmas gift box ever since. Mom tends to squirrel away some toys, for years and for future play days!
Of course, some kitties got a little too carried away, chewed a hole in the end, and left the soggy thing in a whole pile of catnip for Mom to find when she got home from work. To hear her talk about it, you’d think she had to walk through four feet of catnip just to get into the house. So . . . moving on . . .

Tessa and Viola “play” I see you in my basket, whereas Tessa says, “No, I see YOU while I’m in MY basket.”

And then, after a short while of being stared down, Tessa shifted her eyes and looked for an escape route. Like you do when a Patrol Sergeant in training has their eyes laser-focused on you.

Meanwhile, Pia gazes at the confrontation from the safety and comfort of the bottom level of the tower. It’s one of her favorite afternoon napping spots.

And Olivia watches Mom from her favorite afternoon napping spot – the middle level of the tower, probably because it has a heated pad for those chilly toesies.
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We’re still working on getting through all our unsent email, probably including replies to some of yours. We have a short amount of patience around here lately and things aren’t helped by a couple of other things failing just over the weekend. Some day, we’ll laugh about all this. Just not today.
Mom also acknowledges she’s been remiss in thanking a couple of dear angels who kindly sent us dishwashing soap, Windex, tomato sauce and paste, Quint’s Fancy Feast food, and perfectly timed Iams kibble from our Amazon wish list. THANK YOU so very much! Sometimes, a tag is included in the Amazon box so we know who to thank personally; other times, no tag is included and it’s a mystery. THANK YOU AGAIN dear angels for allowing us to keep Colehaus clean and everyone fed!
Also, THANK YOU to everyone who pitched in to pay for Quint’s dental surgery a week and a half ago. His bill came to just under $1500 and includes his pre-surgery test and his following check up next month. We came out with almost $200 to spare and that’ll stay in our emergency vet budget until needed.

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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017 – Who wore it better?
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014 – No post
2013 – Fascinated
2012 – Loss and the New King
That’s funny about the candy cane because we found a nip Christmas stocking and did the exact same thing!!!!
The Florida Furkids
Lucy has chewed a hole in a brand-new nip tomato before!
It’s nice to see the play fun going on!
Those nip canes are great. Mine have chewed holes in them too. Glad you had plenty to get Quint’s dental. XO
My human says that kitty dental work costs more than human dental work! Well, she flosses and she doesn’t have to go under to have her teeth cleaned, so no wonder.
Such an array of cuteness! We love the Yeowww products, especially when they’ve been marinating in the nip baggie for a while.
I play with my Christmas candy cane toy all year round! ~Ernie
We’re glad everything went well for Quint !
Basket Wars!
Looks like Quint has come through the ordeal in good shape…yay!
It’s fun to stash away toys for a rainy day!
I am glad that everyone is enjoying relaxing, and that Quint’s dental went well.
That game with the basket sounded like fun, until Patrol Sergeant in Training Viola figured it wasn’t. 😉
We are so happy Quint’s dental went well, and we are glad for the kindness of friends!