The other day, we were asked how our cats tolerate us putting things on their heads and then, photographing the evidence. And we said, “What? What?? Who would do such a . . . oh, yeah. We do that on occasion.”
After collecting ourselves, we tried to wave away our admittance with a simple, “Oh, well, we just put a toy on their head and whip out a camera and there you go. Easy-peasy.”
And that’s a fib. Mostly. Partially. Our saving grace is that Tessa is going to show you and the world how even the most annoyed cats are perfectly okay with toys stacked on their heads. Yes, that Tessa, Danger Cat Tessa, the Tessa who strongly dislikes everything (yet who is becoming a love bug – shhhh!).

Step one: Select a cat. Mom’s selected a mellow cat, someone who won’t be difficult or easily riled. As if!

Step Two: Present a pile of toys for inspection. You will have previously rated these toys for their stackability factor. Your victim, er, your STUDENT will only be interested in their smells. Use this opportunity to take a photo.

Step Three: While your STUDENT is sniffing the pile of toys, pet the STUDENT with a toy in your hand, focusing on and around the top of your STUDENT’S head, and gently place the toy, in this case, a feather, between the ears. Take a photo.
If your STUDENT shakes the toy off, simply start again. And again. And again as many times as it takes for your STUDENT to either run away or, from sheer exhaustion, fall asleep, in which case you can stack 50-plus toys on them and photograph all the evidence you’d ever want.

Step Four: Once one toy is on your STUDENT’S head, try placing another there. Avoid touching the ears with the toys whenever possible as this alerts the STUDENT that something is definitely amiss. Take a photo.

Step Five: Lather, rinse, repeat . . . but with toys. Pet with toy in hand and after a bit of scritching, gently add to your stack. Don’t forget to take a photo! Someone might need this later in a court of law.

We weren’t sure how much Tessa would put up with but she didn’t bolt so Mom just kept stacking. And photographing.

And as quick as a flash, Mom placed a blue ring (known as Prince and Princess crowns around here) on top establishing a new world record for Toy Stacking at Colehaus. And there you have it. Here, Tessa sports her flat feather cap base, a pink Princess crown ring, a colorful plaid Boink, a soft pink felt heart and a blue Princess crown ring. Oh, how Mom wanted to place something else on top of that crown. Next time, perhaps! Tessa was SO done with this.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2018 – No post
2017 – ManCat Monday with the artist Quint
2016 – No post
2015 – Smug
2014 – No post
2013 – Almost Wordless Wednesday
2012 – No post
Well done Tessa. And great instructions on how to try and do it. Two Two is the best kitty we have to wear things. Don’t think we have tried anything on her head.
Have a great day.
Well, that’s quite an achievement, Tessa! And…apparently…no human blood was spilled! Hope you at least scored a treat or two for such humiliation.
That was nothing short of amazing sweet Tessa!
MOL ! Great lesson on how to do it ! Nicely done, Tessa ! Purrs
Hehehe well she looks like she had fun,xx Speedy
You can see in her eye in the last photo that she was suddenly, thoroughly, done with this exercise. But up to that she was good!
tessa….we wood haz de look oh: just had sum crankee azz cat chow : fotoz two;
……. if we hadda BURD SKIN upon R purrsonage two
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
😉 ♥♥
Awww bless! Love this – Tessa is such a good sport <3
Hee hee hee, you have mad skills, Tessa.
Very impressive all around!
Tessa we think you have just set a kitty record! Well done and we do love your wonderful poses throughout
Timmy and the Easter Kitties
Tessa, we hope you get your humans back for this.
You are such a trooper Tessa. The hoomans would definitely have bites and scratches if they ever tried that on either of us.
That is pretty impressive!
Tessa, you are a patient girl. And such a pretty one too. XO
Great tutorial, Mom. And well done by Miss Tessa. That was some amazing stacking and wearing of stuff! 🙂
Mum tries to do that, I don’t tolerate it very well.
We sometimes put up with “stuff on us”. I (Iza) and best at it. Marley is 2nd. Ayla freaks.
Any of the Kitties Blue would need to be sound asleep for our humans to get away with this. Tessa is extremely patient or an android! MOL. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
Oh, bless your heart, Tessa. What the heck is it with humans putting stuff on us?
I’m sure my cats won’t appreciate it … but I’m going to test this pro guide to things on cats! Tessa was a pro herself!
Totally epic! WooHOoo what a score and what an amazing total.
Ours would NOT do that!
Well, besides a halo, hahaha, I don’t really get anything stacked on my head. I think Tessa’s a good sport and you do a great job of distracting..I’ll let you know if the housekeeper tries this on me!! – Tom x