Sisters, boy, I has ’em, far too many, go away! Sisters, oh sisters. Can I send you some your way?
Tessa, Viola . . . well, the squirt, she’s okay. Pia and Olivia, I might miss ’em. Okay, they can all stay.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – Friday Flashback
2015 – Wordless Wednesday
2014 – No post
2013 – Maxx TV
2012 – No post
Oh Quint…what’s a boycat to do?
Shout is out and shout is loud Quint!
Wow Quint you paint and sing 🙂
Quint…whatever you say, goes with me.
Quint, you know you love them all! Or at least most of them. 😉
Sweet boy, your sisters are lucky to have you sweetie.
Quint, we don’t have any sisters so it might be fun. We think you should just enjoy them. After all……….girls are really, really different. MOL!!!
Stereo purrs………..Hemingway and Steinbeck
You are the mancat of the house! And super sweet too!
rSisters can be confusing. Signed, Ringo
We know you all love each other!
The Florida Furkids
Great song, Quint. You are quite the talented kitty!
Quint, I bet you can win American Idol!
Sing it, Quint! Sing it loud, and sing it proud! 🙂 XO