“Uh oh!” Patrol Sergeant Zuzu says upon seeing a carrier appear as if by magic. Please tell me it’s not my turn yet!”
It’s Miss Itty’s day for her official vet ear checkup. We’re hoping the vet has good things to say about her ears. It sounds like they always have to sedate her to do a thorough examination. And since they do this later on in the day when they have time to see her, she has to be dropped off early in the morning. We’ll all have to wait to hear what they found (if nothing else, hopefully very clean ears!) and we’ll pick her up sometime in the afternoon. Let’s hope she isn’t too cranky, though it will be perfectly understandable if she is. Wish her luck!
Itty, we are keeping our paws crossed for a good report for you.
Good luck Itty. 3 cheers for clear ears
Madi your bfff
We hope everything goes well for Miss Itty ear checking later on.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Miss Itty, we sure wish you luck. We hope your ears are well on their way to being healed and you can be a happy cat.
We’re hoping for a good report!
Paws crossed for you, Itty!
Paws crossed for Miss Itty!
Miss Itty we are saying tiny kitty prayers that your visit will be an easy one. You are in a wonderful home and we want you to enjoy your life there without the cranky moods. However, we do understand that there are time we kitties just have to be cranky. Good luck!!!!
Good luck, Miss Itty!
Oh querida vamos ficar com as patas cruzadas para que suas orelhas estejam limpas!
Isn’t today only Thursday? Good luck, Miss Itty!!
miss itty….ewe betcha we will AND send blessingz frum R total lee rockin awesum pal frank….we will ask him ta stix rite bye yur side all day sew yur knot nervous ore scared…we haz all 984 pawz crossed yur mom & ewe get sum sooooper grate mewz ♥♥♥
Praying all went well!!! catchatwithcarenandcody
Hope all goes well at your vet checkup today Miss Itty. Paws crossed here for you.
Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis
Good luck and paws crossed for a good health report. Purrs
good luck Miss Itty….we hope your ears gets 4 stars!!
Paws crossed that Miss Itty gets a good report.
I hope everything is OK.
Paws crossed for a good report on her ears!