A few weeks ago Mom received an email asking about the boy. You know, our boy cat Quint, who, rumor has it, is an artist and sometimes paints? We know we haven’t kept up with getting him into his studio much lately and we’re pretty sure he knows spring is . . . well, it starts tomorrow. It can’t be much longer before everything’s coming up flowers around here and Quint will be antsy to take his first inspirational spring walk. And after that, it’s painting time!
What better timing is it that artist Quint’s interview, by none other than Pacific Northwest Cat Mystery Writer Mollie Hunt, went public today!
In his interview with Mollie, Quint talks painting, his process, flowers and the color yellow and how all of that comes together to help kitties in need. You probably remember how Quint does enjoy hearing how he’s able to help where and when he can. Mollie asked all the right questions and Quint was more than happy to tell her all. (Don’t worry, Tessa. He didn’t spill the beans on how you’re becoming a softie.)
We hope you’ll pop on over and check it out and if you happen to be in the area on Saturday, March 30th at 1 PM, Mollie Hunt and fellow writer Ramona Marek will be at Vintage Books in Vancouver, Washington for a Caturday Conversation book event.
Quint says, “Thanks, Mollie!” And he couldn’t have said it better. Thanks, Mollie!
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2018 – Who?
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014 – Sisters
2013 – Ruby Tuesdays
2012 – World Class Draper
Great article, Quint!
Quint, we just read your interview. We are very happy for you. Love that your paintings go to shelters to make others feel better. Thank s for the share. Have a wonderful day.
I’m on my way!!! You’re my hero Quint!
And thank you, beautiful Quint. Working with you was so much fun!
What a great interview! I’m so honored to know such a talented cat.
How cool is that!?! Quint, I’ve loved your art ever since I first discovered it, and I proudly show off the two pieces that I have at my work office. Here’s hoping that Mollie’s post will bring more people to buy your art. Wish I wasn’t so far away, otherwise I’d visit!
I just saw your interview, Quint, and it is great!
We’ll definitely go check out the interview. Quint, we can’t wait to see your next creations.
We love your work, Quint … WAY better than 99% of human “art.”
I just read the article, it was great. I love Quint.
How fun! We’ll definitely be checking it out!
That was a totally fantastic interview Quint!
I loved reading Quint’s interview! I’ve always thought he was so special. I don’t know many kitties with artistic leanings. In fact, Quint may be the only one!
Quint, you’re awesome! We’re super excited to read your article. Headed over to do so now! 🙂
Pawsome interview Quint!
On your way to being superstar.
We love our Quint Originals and will run over to read the review
Go Quint Go
Timmy and Family
Great interview, Quint ! Purrs
We cant wait to see more from Quint!