It’s cold and still winter time.
For me, short days and long naps are fine.
A silly time change is almost near.
Building nap forts is my career.
Still that day is coming along.
Gives me reason to break out in song.
Daylight saving time begins Sunday when we move our clocks up one hour. Enjoy that last extra bit of time. You know where Quint will be spending his!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2021 – No post
2020 – Almost Wordless Wednesday
2019 – DST Why?
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – Around Colehaus
2015 – Wordless Wednesday
2014 – No post
2013 – Miss Newton Says No
2012 – No post
Gosh, Quint!
Your artist abilities extend from your painting to vocals…perhaps you should sign up for a local band, no?
In the middle of a snow storm right now, but the temps are seesawing up and down daily.
dood……happee “N joy yur dinner at 5 o clox day” coz come SUN day ewe hafta still eat at 5 o clox but itz like 6 o clox ….ore bak werdz….. but the entire time thing mezzez up yur roo teen ~~~~
You are so talented -you sing and paint. Thanks for the reminder to spring ahead- I prefer the fall back.
The time change boggles our minds.
You have a lovely singing voice, Quint. We have to wait two weeks longer than you to lose our hour.
My human will be happy to trade that one hour of sleep for more light later! She needs it for photos.
That was some great singing, Quint! We are looking forward to having more light!