Witness the results from a very, very serious Quint and Tessa tussle, so serious Mom had to break it up.
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2019 – DST Why?
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – Around Colehaus
2015 – Wordless Wednesday
2014 – No post
2013 – Miss Newton says no
2012 – No post
That’s a lot of furs. We hope they kissed and made up.
Oh my! Can’t we all just get along?
Hmm, trying my Sherlock Holmes abilities…
I see about 1/2-1/2 fur colors: ginger (Quint) and white (Tessa).
So, I’m thinking that each cat got as good as they gave!
But I know the humans are not pleased; there should be NO fighting, or only play stuff.
Quint & Tessa…ease up on each other, and chill out!
dood….we tried ta tell ya bout that wall ruz ree mark……
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Yikes! That does look bad.
Fur flies when you’re having fun?!?! Yikes!
That happens here sometimes!
The Florida Furkids
That is a lot of fur! We used to have 3 black brothers and every now and again they would go hell for leather amongst themselves, then 5 minutes later peace reigned again and it would seem like nothing had happened.
Whoa. That’s a whole lotta furs. We hope they’re both okay!
Wow, that must have been some battle!
Wow, that musta been intense!
Oh my stars! We hope someone isn’t too bald!