Not a fan in the least, Tessa continues her questioning quest as to why Daylight Savings Time exists.
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We received a couple of disturbing emails over the weekend threatening to hijack this cat blog and turn it into an inappropriate-for-all-viewers site if we didn’t deposit ten thousand dollars into an anonymous bitcoin account. Also, that Nigerian prince is still hankering after Mom to help him spend his inheritance. How was your weekend?
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – Around Colehaus
2015 – Wordless Wednesday
2014 – No post
2013 – Miss Newton Says No
2012 – No post
Our temperatures are finally on the rise; still below average, but flirting with above freezing, and this makes us happy! We thought the state legislature had voted to quit DST, but…as usual…it was an untruth.
DST = Dumb Stupid Trick!
Grump, grump, grump–we hear ya! Down with DST!
Good grief what crazy emails. All this spoofing and fake calls and threats people…grow up!! Nigerian Prince made me crack up
Around here there is a call telling folks they are with the sheriff’s department, they were supposed to show up for jury duty and if they didn’t deposit $$$$
ASAP they would be arrested.
DST…bah humbug
Hugs Cecilia
Nobody tried to hijack me, so that is good. DST? who cares.
Oh yeah, those faces say a thousand words alright!
Lots of ice over the weekend. :p Does this Nigerian prince have a brother? 😉
So far, DST hasn’t made much of a difference here. We got fed on time, although my human swears it was an hour late! Those crazy emails… what can you do?
guyz….day lite savinz time sux werst than de vacuum masheen
N tell mom N dad ta forwerd de emails two de FTC……trooth ~~~~~~~~~~
Sounds like you’ve had to deal with a lot of craziness lately, including DST. As long as I get fed when I”m hungry, it doesn’t matter what the clock says – Tom x
I much prefer gaining an hour in the fall. It is sad how many bad people there are out there in cyberspace. Emmy’s heart Dr. got all her records swiped and had to pay a ransom to get them back. It is so common that she had insurance for that.
We do NOT like DST. Mom says morning should be light and night shouldbe dark…not the other way around.
The Florida Furkids
Mom gets one to four e-mails a day saying that our e-mail account and computer have been taken over and if she doesn’t send bitcoin (amount varies), the culprits will send videos of her watching porn to everyone she knows. How gullible do people think we are? Also, if she had all the money that various individuals have said she has inherited or that they want to give her because they are dying, she could feed and house every cat on the planet. As far as DST goes, she used to not be fond of it but now prefers it. We could care less one way or the other. We’re just going to nap no matter what! You two look awfully disgruntled…. Sorry! XOCK, Kitties Blue
Stupid emails! Why do those sad people bother as no-one takes any notice.
Those are two grumpy looking faces. I will feel the same at the end of the month.
None of us can tell time, so who cares? Our human was grumpy about a bunch of her busy work not working like she wanted, so we laid all over her and purred and made her fall asleep at her computer last night because a good nap solves everything. Was that the weekend? Every day is pretty much the same here.
I love Daylight Savings Time…wish we had it all year!
My day? The good news is I picked up my new eyeglasses. The bad news is I lost another dental crown.
We don’t care if they keep DST or regular time…but pick one and stick to it. This clock switching stuff is stupid!!
It’s a mystery to us all…
DST… does anyone really know why??
There was a long article in yesterday’s paper about why DST. Something to do with someone who needed more hours of light to play golf after work or something. Hope you have a good password for your blog.
Displeased Tessa … maybe she can knock some sense into the people who make that decision? Her efforts toward her siblings are misplaced 😉
DST. Yeah, why do humans gotta mess with stuff all the time???