Today, we’re chatting with Quint because it’s been a while and he wants equal representation here on Colehauscats.com. Seems fair. So, Quint, how’s it going? Run us through your typical day.

Well, you know, life is rough here on the frozen tundra, the northern breezes whipping through my fur day and long endless nights . . .
Okay, Quint, seriously now. What frozen tundra? What northern breezes? You’re an inside cat . . .

Inside my fort! Yeah, this is where I hide out when the caribou and penguins start knocking at the door. Everyone knows caribou dislike forts of any kind. And penguins, who can figure them out?
What are you talking about? Are you feeling okay??

Shhh! Listen! Did you hear that? It might be the walrus singing again.
Quint, knock it off. You’re being really weird right now. That was Tessa in her crinkle paper box, not some walrus.

It’s okay, Floppy Cat. The walrus is downstairs with the crinkle paper. We pink nose cats will protect each other from that beast.
*Throws hands in the air*
All right, Quint, since you’re not making any sense nor seem to want to have any kind of normal conversation today, we’ll leave you to your fantasy land.

Oh, okay. I’ll just go back to cleaning and napping and eating and all those boring things us inside cats do. But before you go, leave the TV remote, would you? There’s a great arctic documentary on soon I’d like to watch.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2019 – No post
2018 – Sunny Sunshine
2017 – No post
2016 – The Morning Stretch
2015 – Mondays with Olivia
2014 – No post
2013 – Happy Weekend!
2012 – Decorating with cats – Proper scale and placement
Quint has quite the imagination!
LOL, Quint you are adorable.
Quint, it is so good to see you in all those great pictures. Hope all of you have a terrific day.
That was an excellent adventure!
That was fun Quint, keep being you!
Quint and Floppy Cat: A handsome and happy pair (real and stuffed).
Oh Quint,that was amusing! Thanks for making us MOL!
We all know that great artists are sometimes…a bit off center, Quint! Nice job!
Quint, you are unique and handsome, if a little confusing – MOL!
Ha! I think all this lack of painting is affecting Quint’s brain.
Happy ManCat Monday!!! We love the photo of you in your fort.
The Florida Furkids
dood….we understanded everee werd ewe said and WHY ewe said it….
tho we due hope ewe noe whooz knot mad bee coz oh de hole wall ruzz state mint…foto two iz like de best ;}
stay warm, bee safe, rememburr penguinz R BURD…
tessa….pleez due knot take oh fence at what yur brother said…trust uz, him dinna meen it…just prior two, knot 17 secondz bee for… him gazed out de open window… waz thrown bak frum galez force windz oh .08 MPH
….N saw……BURD ~~~
knot just any BURD, but one that waz 18 feetz tall…..
Pawsome “interview” ! What an exciting life you have, Quint ! Purrs
You have a great imagination, Quint!
You are such a cutie Quint. XO