Back in the carefree days, Mom was always trying to engage the Colehaus Cats in “interesting” ways outside normal cat activities. She believes this helps the feline state of mind stay sharp, active and open. Okay . . .

Not sure if we believe that ourselves. In fact, our sister Tessa swears (and she swears a LOT) there are better ways to keep things sharp, if you know what she means!

Olivia is bothered by this train of thought and rightly so. Mom says Olivia is the toughest one to photograph, especially with something on her head. (Olivia’s head, not Mom’s . . . although there’s a thought!)

We can’t all be like Miss Newton who will “patiently” sit still with stacks of toys on her head until Mom becomes bored and goes find something better to do. But the rest of us ask, “Why, Mom, why?”

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Here’s an 80-piece online jigsaw puzzle of the Things on Viola photo above. It’s been a while since we’ve done these so our assembly time was too embarrassing to post. Have fun!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015 – One Word Wednesday
2014 – No post
2013 – If Anything’s to be Found, Tessa will find it
2012 – No post
LOL, Miss Newton has such great expressions!
Oh kitties, we feel your pain! How embarrassing that she’s spread these photos all over the interwebs, for countless people to giggle at your chagrin! Does she dress you in costumes too, to up the humiliation factor?
those were so much fun!
guyz…..we haz had stuff upon R selvez two N frank lee boomer waz kinda
…oh kay with it !!!…we hope ta bee abe bull ta sneekz over twodue de jig saw;
late lee we haza been havin a time oh sneekin round de inter webz !! 🙂 ♥♥
Great balancing guys! Sometimes our moms get a little stir crazy in the winter and do things like that to us to help pass the time.
Our human uses us as TRASH RECEPTACLES! When she’s “working” and produces some scrap of something whether it’s paper or cloth or we sometimes don’t know what it is, she tosses it on us! Wraps tape backing around our ears, lines up paper shapes like stripes! And then she laughs! Then we find these things in the recycling bins–so we fix her, we pull them out and chew on them, then puke them back up wherever we please. Just giving you guys an idea.
Y’all really stack up nicely!
Very cute photos. You should have a book of things on cats 🙂 And thank you for the puzzle 🙂 XO
You’re so, SO patient ! We feel your pain, buddies ! Purrs
That is so funny! MOL! What a unique idea, y’all are some mighty patient kitties!
The only thing my human puts on my head are hats and tiaras. Which… well, I hope I haven’t given your human any ideas!
We cannot believe you guys let your human do that to you. 😉
You’re a lot more patient than we are! I hope our mom doesn’t see these photos and get any ideas. P.s. you guys look very cute.
We tend to get things put on our sides while on The Lap. Mostly Iza. She resists moving.
Mum will occasionally put a mouse on me and take a pic.
You are all very patient! I will come back later to do the puzzle.
I’m pretty surprised at what Bear will put up with. Of course, when he’s done … he’s DONE.