It all started with Olivia’s trout, the one she carries around the house at night, and continues with the toy Christmas Bass, or as we think of it now as The Perch, for reasons that will be made clear shortly.

Any of you who know and can identify fish are welcome to weigh in here. It’s a pretty thing, about eight inches long with dark tail and fins. Too fat to be a sunfish. Oh, let’s just all call it a Perch.

Olivia’s trout is a big toy, longer than Olivia, tail excluded. She loves her trout and so, well, you know Mom by now, right? It was only a matter of time, really.

Olivia has never been one to put up with things balanced on her head but we are talking about her trout, so naturally, she was okay with it.
But the Perch? A Perch perched on Olivia’s head? Even though much smaller than The Trout, would Olivia put up with that? That would be a challenge.

Or, maybe not so much a challenge.

Neither was adding a mousie on top of the Perch. Olivia did, however, draw the line at balancing The Trout AND the Perch at the same time so you’ll have to just imagine that in your own heads.
Thank you, Olivia. You can go about carrying your fish around the house again.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2019 – No post
2018 – A Day Off
2017 – No post
2016 – Itty and her Special Features
2015 – No post
2014 – One Word Wednesday – Sun
2013 – Ruby Tuesdays
2012 – No post
Impressive skills!
*hand over eyes, shaking head*
Olivia…you poor, poor kitty…
Olivia was pretty cooperative – at least for a while!
You are a good sport Olivia. XO
Dang, something mighty fishy is going on at your place!
Olivia, you are too funny. The double balancing act of the fish and mouse together was pretty pawsome. Thanks for the wonderful share. Have a great day.
You are very level headed, Olivia!
Oh Olivia! You’re such a good sport.
Olivia, you are great at balancing those fishies on your head!
Olivia, you sure have to put up with a lot from your humans. We are hoping Mom doesn’t get any ideas and try that stuff on us. MOL!
By the way……..you look gorgeous!!!
The Perch may be a carp. Our huMom used to fish, and seems to recall that perch were thinner bodied. And she caught way more carp anyway.
Oh dear, the indignity of misusing that innocent kitteh’s fishie…
Olivia…they should not have teased you that way!
Wow, we are impressed! Olivia stayed with it for quite awhile, didn’t she? 🙂
Olivia, you are one talented and tolerant kitty. And, no offense, you must have an incredibly flat head. Mau loves carrying toys around the house while yelling as loud as possible. Very annoying at night! Bet you are quiet! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer