Mugshots. You know, just in case…

Maxx - Side Shot - 2013 © Colehaus Cats

Maxx – Side Shot – 2013 © Colehaus Cats

Maxx Frontal Shot - 2013 © Colehaus Cats

Maxx Frontal Shot – 2013 © Colehaus Cats

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21 Responses to Mugshots. You know, just in case…

  1. Are you a little “chubby” Maxx or is it the angle of the camera?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Pretinha says:

    Maxx you are very cute! And that gorgeous blue eyes.

  3. William says:

    What did they get you for, Maxx?

  4. No, uh,uh… no, we don’t know this guy…. no, that nip… that’s not ours man…
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  5. Something that will NEVER be needed by such an innocent kitty!

  6. Maxx……get a good lawyer. We know you didn’t do anything wrong. Humans just don’t understand that we kitties NEVER do anything naughty! 🙂

  7. Maxx you are adorable xxx

  8. that is just too funny…you are right…one never knows lol

  9. Fantastic mug shots..bol 🙂 Have a wonderful day xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  10. Whisppy says:

    Just in case? You putting up an ad for a girlfriend, Maxx?

  11. Sure hope you got Maxx’s paw prints as well. You can never be too safe. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  12. prancer pie says:

    What a purrfect day to post pics of a handsome mancat. What a hunka hunka burning love!

  13. Sparkle says:

    Binga needs mugshots! I am surprised she does not already have them.

  14. Ha ha the first pic is so mugshot like it is priceless. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  15. CCL Wendy says:

    Mug shots are only for those who have broken the law and for those who are exceedingly handsome. I’m happy to say, you fall in the latter CATegory, Maxx!

  16. CATachresis says:

    Who’s the mug? mol Great shots!!

  17. Mug shots? Were you framed?

  18. Teehee. Good idea to get those on record!

  19. Clooney says:

    Oh theese one is a good one! Hey, I think it’s great to be proactive and that way at least you has FLATTERING ones!

  20. Clowie says:

    He has a lovely face!

  21. MOL! Innoent until proven guilty my mancat. Innocent until there’s PROOF.

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