02/17/2023 – Finally Friday

Olivia catches rays © Colehauscats.com
Olivia catches rays © Colehauscats.com

Can’t talk right now. Mom’s preparing to paint our Cat Den and I have to catch all the sun rays I can before she starts. She says she’s absolutely sure I would not want speckles of cream-colored paint on my extra fine and shiny black furs. Maybe we can catch up later?

Pia on the run © Colehauscats.com
Pia on the run © Colehauscats.com

Here’s someone else who isn’t terribly happy about being displaced. We’ve finally entered the 21st century by having those twenty-three year old long, thermal-backed drapes replaced next week with vinyl blinds, displeasing Pia and all her fur that loved those drapes like nothing else.

It’s pretty remarkable that technology hasn’t advanced the options for covering a sliding glass door. You either get cat-lovin’ drapes/curtains, 1990-era vinyl vertical-hanging blinds, or tack an old bed blanket up over the whole thing and call it good.

The point is that we can wash the vinyl blinds to remove fur, cat food bits, goopy nose prints, etc., and though we washed the drapes often, they were originally meant to be dry cleaned only. No matter how delicate the cycle or how cold the water, the wash shrunk them farther and farther up off the floor, thus wiping out a major point of their thermal capability. Plus, they still had fur stuck to them.

So, blinds it is. Pia, you’ll learn to love these, too, and something tells us, you’ll learn how to hide behind them, and climb them, too.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2022 – No post
2021Eating the Props
2020MultiCat Monday
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017Friday Fun
2016Welcome Itty!
2015Ruby Tuesday
2014MultiCat Monday
2013 – No post
2012Some Habit are Hard to Break

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4 Responses to 02/17/2023 – Finally Friday

  1. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    I’ve got a feeling I might have moved on and forgot to post my comment. Sorry if it turns out to be a double.
    You definitely don’t want paint speckles in your lovely sleek black fur, Olivia.

  2. We cats are not always fans of change until we discover the advantages 😉
    Purrs, Julie

  3. 15andmeowing says:

    I admire your mom for doing her own painting. I am too lazy.

  4. meowmeowmans says:

    We hope everykitty gets used to those changes going on at Colehaus. Good luck with the painting!

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