One year ago, she was so small, that Viola was.
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You were certainly a cutie, Viola! Not that you aren’t now MOL x0x
You are such a pretty girl Viola and still so tiny.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Viola was the littlest Niblet out of the four Niblets, always running way behind on weight compared to her siblings. Today, she’s sitting at 9.3 pounds, and still the littlest Colehaus Cat.
Simply adorable! I would have been covering her in smooches from Day 1!
We promptly began her daily million kisses routine by day four and she’s absolutely loved that since the beginning.
that is when I fell in love with her!
Such cute photos 🙂
You are such a cutie pie Miss V!
Awww, those frostbit ears on the little one.
viola…ewe bee az gorgeous then az ewe iz now…way awesum flashbax foto !!! heerz two a goatfish N guppy kinda week oh end !!♥♥♥
{ hope de other nibletz iz doin well }
And know look at how beautiful she is!! Don’t tell Mom, but we were wondering if she’s old enough to date yet. 😉
Cute then and cute now we say. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
we never noticed the color of her toes….love that second picture
Viola your eyes are gorgeous..well all of you is gorgeous..but your eyes are so expressive.
Hugs madi your bfff
We wish we could be a part of those squillion kisses daily! Love you you sweet little niblet!
So adorable. She has grown up into a lovely lady cat.
Emma and Buster
She is still so cute! From all the Niblets, she was the one TW fell in love with too.
Has it been that long .. so glad you kept her so we can see her.
So tiny with such big cutes!
She is such a pretty little girl.
She is an exotic beauty!
She is very adorable! What a doll! I love the photo of her drinking out of the bowl. 🙂
Querida foi muito bom acompanhar o seu crescimento, gostei de recordar.
Was that really a year ago? It doesn’t seem so long ago now that she was such a little cutie! Now she’s a not-quite-as-little cutie!
Viola, you’ve gone from cutie to beauty!
You wuz a real cute lil kitten.
She is such a cutie!
Aww, we love the Viola flashbacks! What a cutie she is!
Such cuteness!
So cute.
Once a cutie, always a cutie!
Adorable kitty photos. Love the ginger in the previous post.
Such great baby pictures! We just love that little tongue – so cute!
Awwwww, just adorable! Hugs and nose kisses
Awwwwww! It’s so fun seeing Viola when she was still a wee one. 🙂
We knew from the moment we saw her that she was a keeper. Who could resist that precious face. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo