01/27/2025 – MultiCat Monday with AI

Quint and Tessa © Colehauscats.com
Quint and Tessa © Colehauscats.com

It’s been very cold here, as one would expect to happen in late January. It’s Monday so Dad’s at home to snuggle with cats on the couch, except he has clean up duty today because big swings in temperatures trigger barf-o-ramas in one or two Colehaus cats. It’s always been that way and he now sees the brilliance in Mom’s idea to roll up all the rugs last year.

We noticed a few months ago, WordPress has a test AI generator for text and since AI’s rapidly being thrust upon us, Mom thought she’d give it a whirl. Just for fun, let’s see how the previous paragraph comes across using Mr. AI:

In late January, it’s very cold, prompting Dad to stay home and cuddle on the couch while cleaning. Temperature fluctuations cause occasional vomiting in the cats, highlighting the necessity of frequent cleaning. Thankfully, the recently removed flooring underscores Mom’s persistent reminder in the necessity of removing it.

Okay, it gets the point across, we guess. *shrugs shoulders* Moving on . . .

Boxed Pia © Colehauscats.com
Boxed Pia © Colehauscats.com

Meanwhile, Sooper Pooper Pia is snug in a cut out Chewy box with her leopard print blanket, having had that blanket swapped out for Dad’s fun Whirlwind Day of Unexpected Cleaning. She’s pretty happy that Dad, being the good dad he is, pre-warmed her blanket in the working dryer for a few minutes. Everybody should have a dad like Dad.

What’s Mr. AI to make of this?

Meanwhile, Sooper Pooper Pia enjoys her leopard print blanket, which was warmed by Dad in the dryer, showcasing his attentiveness.

Hmm, kind of left out bits there, didn’t it? But we like that Dad is “showcasing his attentiveness.”

Viola napping through the cold © Colehauscats.com
Viola napping through the cold © Colehauscats.com

Elsewhere, pretty Viola with all her pretty fur colors is stuffed into her Island Box, sleeping through the chill. We think she likes the cooler weather and after all, she was born in the month of October and we adopted her at Christmas. We thought maybe not having a tail might affect her ability to stay warm but she seems to have no trouble at all. She prefers to sleep downstairs, in the kitchen, where it’s always cooler at night.

And the Magic 8-ball of AI whips this up out of that:

In another part of the house, Viola, who enjoys cooler temperatures, sleeps comfortably in her Island Box despite not having a tail, showing her adaptability to the chilly environment.

*Yawn* *snort* huh? Sorry, we fell asleep a little reading through that boring one. But we will agree with Viola’s adaptability. Her angel mama taught her well.

That concludes our fun with WordPress’ AI generator. We can use it up to 20 times for free and after that, um, it’s not free. Sure, okay, not sorry we won’t buy it, but thanks for letting us play a little.

~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2024 – No post
2023Finally Friday
2022 – No post
2021Wordless Wednesday
2020A Story by Viola
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017Around Colehaus
2016Snow Cat? No, Cat!
2015Ruby Tuesday
2013 – No post
2012Cameron, the Feral Cat

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5 Responses to 01/27/2025 – MultiCat Monday with AI

  1. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    That was fun to use the AI version, but the original will always win for me.

  2. Nah, the human voice is better than AI.
    Wish someone would warm up MY blankets!

  3. 15andmeowing says:

    Not a fan of AI. Glad you are all warm inside. XO

  4. Your words are better, more descriptive, and I do believe most of us who love to write are going to much prefer writing for ourselves, in our own voices. AI can’t imitate our “voice” in this sense.

  5. meowmeowmans says:

    We like the real live human narrative at Colehaus way better than that AI stuff! Stay warm, sweet pals.

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