It’s a late morning for Tessa, and she looks a bit crabby. Quint, don’t bother your sister or it may be you she knocks over instead of a lamp on the downstairs buffet.

Downstairs, Pia and Viola, who generally avoid each other swear they are ignoring each other here, as well as the photographer. We’d believe them if we were you. These two have such potty mouths on them!

This certainly looks to be trouble on the immediate horizon but it turns out neighborhood visitor Lloyd and Mr. G’s brother Mr. Stubbs are such laid back cats, neither had a problem with the other. Isn’t that the way it should always be? Good boys!
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Neither Lloyd or Mr. Stubbs made these snow prints last week. We think it was one of the black and white twins who aren’t fully grown yet. They look to be just over a year old now. Maybe they will always have small dainty paws. So cute!

Last week, when we had a week of snow and freezing rain (ice), we mentioned one reason why we keep our backyard fountain running 24/7/365. Here’s proof with one day of visits to and from our running water source. Cats, raccoons, squirrels, birds, and maybe one opossum.

While those visitors were slurping away in “the lower pool” as we call it, here’s what the rest of the fountain looked like. And now, it’s almost ice-free.
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2023 – No post
2022 – No post
2021 – Friday Fun
2020 – Forbidden Things
2019 – No post
2018 – Miscellaneous Monday
2017 – No post
2016 – Friday Flashback
2015 – MultiCat Monday
2014 – Questions
2013 – Ruby Tuesday
2012 – No post
Hey Tessa…how’s it going this morning? Surely the morning crabbies will be over within an hour or so, and you, Pia and Viola can have a meeting about what should be done with the furniture arrangements to make it more comfortable and inviting to you three. Oh, and Quint too. Mancats count too, remember.
Looks like the outside cats are getting along much better than those on the inside; ain’t it the way with cats?
Dearest Colehaus Cats,
That is quite a story about the spoiled, cranky inside kitties and the remarkable fate of all the outside critters that co–exist!
Hope the weather will not be too harsh.
Mariette + Kitties
Don’t worry Tessa, I feel exactly the same until I have had my first cup of coffee.
I love paw prints in the snow!!! Lots of cattitude at your house 🙂
Glad the boys outside get along. 🙂
Wow, there’s a lot going on inside and out at Colehaus! Look at all the pawprints in the snow and ice!