So, Mom was certain she finally, FINALLY, had Blooper Friday right. It’s today, or so she thought. And she had a good blooper photo. But Olivia had other ideas, mainly being she had dirt to dish on her siblings and she tells Mom everything. While Mom was crafting a blog post out of thin air, one that may or may not have featured one certain sleek black house panther, Olivia butted her way into view.
Mom! Mom! I have something to tell you!
What, Olivia? What is it? And make it snappy. I’m working here.
You know that old Christmas Yeowww toy you dug out for us to play with around Christmas? Well, someone chewed a corner off and then, barfed on it.
Great. Was it you? Did you do it, Olivia?
Was it me? You mean, did I chew the corner? Or did I barf on it? I don’t barf on toys. Don’t you know that about me, Mom? How long have we been together and have I just once barfed on a toy? Any toy? No, I’m not a toy-barfer.
Okay, fair enough. So you chewed off the corner and then, someone else barfed on the toy? You know, after you chewed off the corner?
I’m just telling you, absolutely, Mom, I did not barf on that toy. Or any toy. There’s no doubt I didn’t do the barfing.
*sigh* Yes, I get that. But you did chew off the corner? That’s what I’m trying to get at. It was you, right?
Me? Who barfed on the toy? No! It was not I. No way, no how. I’m just letting you know it wasn’t me. Don’t shoot the messenger here, Mom. I’m just telling you the facts.
Hmm, it would appear you are leaving one of the facts out, and since I’m posting your blooper photo today, I can only guess why that might be.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2020 – Three Word Wednesday and then some
2019 – No post
2018 – Still Soopervising
2017 – No post
2016 – No Fibs from Tessa
2015 – No post
2014 – Whiskery Wordless Wednesday
2013 – No post
2012 – No post
Bwahaha, that’s a good blooper. I wonder who could have chewed the corner off that toy, Olivia.
Olivia, you need to work on your snitching skills, girlfriend!
Chewing happens when you least expect it sweet blooper!
We think “Not Me” did it.
The Florida Furkids
Hee! Hee! Olivia, I am convinced! Have a marvellously Happy Day!
LOL Olivia should have been a lawyer or a politician!!
Olivia, you are too funny.
Olivia, your story seems to be missing a few details.
We think the lady do protest too much. MOL!
But at least ya didn’t barf on it!
Nice blooper, Olivia! And hey, at least we’ve established that you didn’t barf on it! MOL
Our mom got your messages. Thank you! Some things were not available to ship so we picked stuff that was.
Great Blooper and Olivia they Always know. How is uncertain but the do.