What’s bothering you now, Viola? Is something bothering the baby? Does that bother you, Viola, when we call you the baby, ’cause you’ll always be the baby here. You know that, right? You’re the baby. You’ll always be the baby so you’ll just have to get used to hearing that.
Viola? Okay, what is bothering you? What are you looking at?

That’s just Olivia. She watches everyone. We wouldn’t get our kitty panties all wadded up in a bunch over Olivia watching you or anyone. You’re laying on the most comfortable and warmest spot in the room, after all. Everyone likes that fleecy spot. Olivia’s probably contemplating the odds of whether you’d be willing to share some of that fleece.
Now, if your other sister had her eyes on you . . .

Hmm, mentioned that one too late. Tessa, don’t bother the baby.
P.S. Tessa’s whiskers are bent and broken because that’s what happens when you tussle with Quint who just happened to win that match.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2021 – No post
2020 – Finally Friday
2019 – No post
2018 – Three Word Wednesday
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014 – Still Cleaning
2013 – No post
2012 – No post
I hope they stop staring at you, Viola. ~Ernie
Viola probably doesn’t care what she’s called, as long as she gets snacks!
What a sweet baby you are Viola! Olivia you are one beautiful house panther, wowza! Tessa, your poor broken whisker, you should get extra treats for that injury!
We think everybody should get extra treats.
Maybe they’re staring at you because they think you’re cute? Tessa, that must have been some tussle!
You are a little cuie, Viola. Don’t worry about them looking at you.
Looking is a favorite hobby here too!
Poor Tessa. I didn’t know Quint was a toughie.
Posts like these make me kind of happy I’m the only cat here. At least for now.
Viola, we aren’t surprised everyone’s looking at you, pretty baby!