Whereas Pia and Viola are anything but friends, they are not sworn enemies, and this is about as close together as you’ll see them. Each travel in their own circles, yet both are sociable with us, not other cats. Honestly, we are constantly amazed at how many of your cats are photographed snuggled together. Since Olivia’s passing over a year ago, none of the Colehaus Cats have a snuggle buddy. Hissing buddies, yes. Whapping buddies, yep. Snuggle or napping buddies, no.

Tessa and Pia, while once upon a long time ago, did nap and roughhouse together as kittens, Tessa quickly grew tired of Pia’s poofiness and general diva princess ways and abandoned her to her own devices. Pia found solace with angel Miss Newton who taught her ginger girl independence. Tessa, on the other hand, already possessed the independence level of 12 cats and 4 dogs. Tessa’s motto is, “I don’t need no one,” . . . except when it comes to pre-dinner snack kibbles.

And just as we were about to leave it at that, someone comes along to make liars of us. Quint proves that some Colehaus Cat is willing to snuggle with some other Colehaus Cat who claims to not need anyone.
Behind the scenes info: In truth, Quint was only snuggling with Tessa because 1) Unaware Tessa was out like a light after what may have been a wild night of partying with a vintage nip Yeow toy, and 2) Quint gave up trying to create his blanket fort because dead weight Tessa was snoring away on top of the blanket. When you can’t burrow under them, join them, Quint says.
~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2024 – No post
2023 – Watching Friday
2022 – No post
2021 – One Word Wednesday. Almost
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017 – What One Does in Winter
2016 – Friends
2015 – Ruby Tuesday
2014 – Updates and a Calendar Give-Away with Mancat Quint
2013 – No post
2012 – No post
Our Trainer Cats Angel and Chuck, even though littermates, were not snugglers. They avoided each other; we’ll never know why.
Da Boyz are amazing, but they have their scuffles, with hissing, biting, screaming, thumps and racing…and then they snuggle.
Poor Quint not being able to get in his blanket fort! When we took on my MIL’s cats when she died we ended up with a total of eleven. Maybe we were lucky, but they all often slept in a gigantic nap pile.
Kitty family dynamics!
Quint is an easy going guy. 🙂
We love that Quint is so adaptable! 🙂
Since Dansig the Round died, none of the 3 we have left with snuggle each other, either. As for Charismatic Enigma SissyCat, she hates every other animal in existence and only tolerates female humans when no male humans are around to cater to her whims.
They are all uniquely themselves, aren’t they.