Well, well, well. Look at who might be tolerating who. It’s only been, what? Seven years and three months? To the day? Yes, we’re counting.
Though, that steely-eyed stare coming from Pia . . . Makes you go, hmmm. Now, you girls get along, okay?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In another somewhat odd, no . . . somewhat . . . different turn of events we didn’t see coming, Viola is starting to exhibit Patrol Sergeant traits similar to what her mama angel Zuzu used during her tenure. This is wonderful news, being as we’ve been without a Patrol Sergeant for a few years now and well, shenanigans have been running rampant at Colehaus, particularly in the late P.M. hours.

Look out kitties, we may have a new sheriff in town. And with those big eyes, this one never misses a thing!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017 – Wordless Wednesday
2016 – Snow Day!
2015 – No post
2014 – No post
2013 – Smitten
2012 – No post
Isn’t it interesting how they can change? Way to go, kitties!
With Viola being Patrol Sargeant, maybe that is why Pia and Viola have called a truce?
What cute pictures today. Every once in a while I will let Lexy sniff me like that, but never long enough for mommy to snap a picture! MOL
WOW, looks like some fun times at your place!
Lots of changes for 2021. 🙂 Hope you all have a happy and healthy new year! XO
You will make a very good patrol sergeant, Pia.
Pia, maybe Viola will make you her deputy!
We could use some Patrol Sargent traits around here. Viola, are you going to run classes?
Purrs Marv
Looks like 2021 is in for some interesting developments at your place!
Whoa. Patrol Sergeant Viola … has a nice ring to it!