Hey Pia, whacha doing today? We see your fur cowlick is making an appearance.
Mom, are you speaking some new language again? I have no idea what you said other than asking what I’m doing, and then some gobbly goop words.
Just wondering what you’re doing today? (Pia has developed a cowlick of sorts on her back fur. She denies it’s there so we let her believe what she wants.)
If you must know, I’m inspecting fingerprints all over this boo-fay. Please tell me someone’s going to clean it this decade. There seems to be a lot of cleaning someone needs to do around here.
Well, maybe when . . .

SHHH! I heard something! Something outside. Maybe a bird wants to come in. Oh, if only I had thumbs, I’d flips that latch and . . .
You’d do nothing of the sort, Pia. We don’t even want to know what you’d do with a bird in the house.

Well, for starters, I’d inspect their feathers. And help straighten them. Birds are incredibly messy, I’ve heard. I think they just need some guidance and organizational training. I’d make a good trainer, being I’m so neat, clean, and with everything perfectly in place . . . Mom, what’s so funny? Why are you laughing?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2023 – No post
2022 – A Fresh Coat of New Year
2021 – No post
2020 – Finally Friday
2019 – No post
2018 – A Wednesday Smile
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014 – Making Friends Friday
2013 – No post
2012 – No post
Oh Pia!
Human comedy and cat comedy just aren’t the same.
What you can’t see can’t be there, Pia!
pia…bye de sake oh all thatz hole lee witha golf courz…ewe
due KNOT want a burd in de houz…..trust iz on thiz one😼‼️🐟
hay…..cyburr space…..wearz R commint 😼
pia….we iz tryin ta tell ewe …bye all thatz hole lee
witha golf courz…..ewe due KNOT wanna burd in
PIA, PIA that does not sound good for any birdie…
Poor Pia. My Tuffy has lots of cowlicks, but I can’t touch him so I guess he is stuck with them. XO
You’re adorable, Pia!
Yeah, you could help those birds with any cowlicks. Right, Pia?
Pia, yoiu are fixated on catching a bird?? Hmmm, just enjoy those wand feathers!! No harm in that!
Happy New Year to all of you!