All of us here at Colehaus Cats wish you a safe and healthy 2021! Thank you for visiting us! Because you helped us get through a tough year, we owe you so much gratitude and love. We’re looking forward to what the new year will bring and we wish for you and your loved ones a truly wonderful new year.

Now, let’s recap 2020, Colehaus Cats style. You can follow along, if you’d like, by checking out our 2020 Archive dropdown over there near the top in the right sidebar. You know, to verify that we aren’t fibbing or anything.
In January 2020, posts about Things on Cats continued (seems to be a thing with Mom), Pia shared the story of her online boyfriend D, and Viola shared her own personal story. At a friend’s suggestion we added an Amazon wish list button (over there at the bottom of the right sidebar) and are still embarrassed that we have to ask for help surviving. With much angst and sorrow, we felt the need to retire Quint from painting due to a myriad of reasons and still hold hope that the future will be brighter.

Tessa and Viola continued to share their “love” for one another in February 2020 as well as Mom sharing her love for Things on Cats. Really, Mom? Flowers finally made a return later in the month and we had lots of outside visitors. It was a good month!

Quint gave us a typical Quint-day rundown in March 2020. Covid-19 also arrived here in town and immediately, the grocery shelves were emptied. Still not sure where all that canned soup went to. Mom believes there’s a cabin or two up in the woods somewhere made entirely of Campbell’s soup cans, so that might help explain it. The month also touched on fibs, secrets, and lint on a linty girl named Olivia.

Who knew a cat would love watching a documentary about cats? In April 2020, Olivia couldn’t seem to get enough of it. Viola pestered Dad with some well thought out fiction, probably because he started working his job from home and well, if Viola needed to talk to anyone, Dad was there to listen. Of course, Pia had a different take on Dad at home. We ended the month with some Quint bits.

May began with more fiction from the ever-helpful Viola. Flowers and helpful garden cats were everywhere all month and that motivated Mom to finish up some brick work in the backyard. We gave an update on how we’re all doing, we shared some facts or fibs, some bloopers, and some flashbacks. And then we made the month short by taking a week off. Blame Dad.

Quint decided June was as good a month as any to belt out a song. Maybe because the weather was nice and it was so pretty outside. We had lots of visitors and Dad kept looking for a better paying job (Covid-19 still has tech job hiring in our area completely shut down). Mom ran a box experiment with poor results because cats will do whatever they want. Apparently. Quint shared his Monday and at long last, Mom got to pet longtime visitor Pierre. He’s so soft!

July 2020 started with a grape thief. Surely, EVERYONE has one of these! There was, also, some flashbacks, some mischief, and a mystery. Tessa reminded us she, too, can spin a good tale but with pictures. Quint was the lucky recipient of Things on his head and then, July ended with wonderful and much needed gifts from the Friends of Colehaus. Thank you!

Another mystery, more singing, and Tessa schooled trouble-making toys. Except she swears she didn’t. And that’s how August 2020 began. It was a long, LONG, LOOOOOONG month for Mom, but thankfully, not terribly hot. And then, it ended. Thankfully.

In September, we returned to regular blogging (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and apparently, Mother Nature celebrated that with a huge allergy-inducing windstorm. And Facebook put Mom in Facebook jail. Viola and Tessa tried outdoing each other with box shenanigans, and so Mom returned to putting Things on Cats. Like you do. And then, the WordPress theme she loved for years and years stopped working. A switch to something different was all it took. Mom says, with a sniffle, she’s over it now. Honest.

After the dry summers we’ve had the past few years, Mom had forgotten how pretty flowers could be in October. She was delighted in that and to discover neighborhood stray, Rusty, had chosen our porch to regularly nap on. And that we still had raccoon babies visiting! Viola turned seven years old and Dad recovered from a bad accident he took at home. Roving Reporter Olivia shared cat gossip and we shared some feedback questions with answers. Yes, amazingly, we had some.

Viola shared her typical jam-packed, nap-packed day in November 2020. Outside, Joe the Frog let us know he was still around, enjoying the fall ferns and flowers. Quint sang a song to his brush. Olivia discovered she’s mysterious, as if that was even questionable. And then, she questioned Mom’s crazy work notes, leading Mom to put Things on Olivia’s head, not in retaliation, but surely, for photographic reasons. Tessa had a LOT of questions, as usual and then, it was hustle and bustle time. Almost.

Lastly, our holiday e-cards arrived in December 2020. With e-card bloopers. And commentary added! Mom liked ’em. Tessa pondered all those times she could have been nicer and perhaps, less . . . adventuresome. Viola had no need to worry but she did, a little. Olivia was her usual skeptical self and Pia didn’t want anything to do with the holidays, until nearly Christmas Day. She “might” have smiled, to herself, when Mom finally strung one set of lights on a lonely little bush outside. We’re choosing to think so. And lastly, we received so many holiday cards and well wishes for a better 2021, Mom got positively teary-eyed and Quint felt he had to take up the habit of laying across her arms whenever she’s on the computer now. Not sure what that’s supposed to accomplish but Mom will take it as a good-ish thing.
Thank you for visiting us, for reading our words, enjoying our photos, and leaving comments. We hope what we’re doing here works for you and that your visit here puts a smile on your face. As always, we’re open to comments and suggestions to help make this a better place. Again, we thank you for sticking with us and paying us a visit. Thank you!
— the folks at Colehaus Cats

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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2019 – No post
2018 – A Look Back at Our 2017
2017 – No post
2016 – A 2015 Recap and Happy 2016!
2015 – No post
2014 – Happy 2014 and a 2013 Recap
2013 – No post
2012 – No post
Wonderful recap ! Happy New Year ! Purrs
It was quite a year. Wishing you a happy and healthy- and prosperous year! XO
Happy New Year!
Wishing all joy, peace, and love…and a new job for Dad soon!
Great recap of your year. Happy New Year to all of you and I hope 2021 will be much kinder to us all!
Y’all really are special and we love you guys! Oh, Pierre looks like a handsome dude too. Happy New Year from all of us!
We loved the recap! Happy New Year!
The Florida Furkids
We wish you a very prosperous, love and joy filled New Year!
That was a great recap and we wish you a more prosperous and definitely a much brighter New Year.
It definitely was quite the year…and we’re glad it’s over. Now let’s hope 2021 is much kinder to us all.
Whew. What a year! But we made it through.
Here’s hoping 2021 is way kinder to all of us. Happy New Year, sweet friends! XO
Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a Happy 2021. May peace, love, and prosperity follow you always.
That was a scary accident Dad had. I’m glad he’s recovered.
You’ve had quite a year! I really do hope 2021 is much better, and a lot kinder.
That was quite a year – wishing you a smoother 2021!!