We break into our usual Friday post for a brief news-flash! Pia wishes everyone to know that the one year anniversary of her public confession of love for handsome Dexter of Cherry City Kitties is coming up on August 19th. That is all.

Pia in Love – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
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Shine On award presented by everyone at The Cat on my Head. Thank you!
We’re shining! Everyone at the Cat on my Head, (Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo, that is,) nominated us for the Shine On award. And as with most cool awards, there are a few requests:
1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and link back.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers for the Shine On award, provide a link to their blog in your post, and notify them on their blog.
Seven random facts are a bit iffy because there are nine of us here but we have faith in our humans that they’ll figure something out.
Maxx: Mom gives me a Greenies treat every time I come back into my room from visiting the cat room on my own, as opposed to having to be carried back in. She might be giving me more than one treat at once but I eat them so fast, I don’t know for sure.
Miss Newton: I must sleep with my Dad every night. Otherwise, no one sleeps if you catch my drift. *me-oooooOOW!*
Tessa: Twice a day a love-y/dove-y spell comes over me and I have to have Mom hold me as if I was still a little kitten. For whatever reason *waves paw*, the one that comes at four a.m. is less convenient for Mom than the one in the afternoon.
Pia: When Mom sits on the front edge of my computer chair, I softly paw her back so she will give me one of her hands to rub on. Sometimes, my paw isn’t so soft.
Quint: I don’t like loud noises or the sound of new people visiting. To help me with this, my Mom has been playing the radio and I’ve come to realize I’m a Bruno Mars fan.
Olivia: I think I like my baby sister, Viola. But she’s too good! I got nothing to tattle on her about!
Ruby: Yesterday, I wanted to come out of my room first thing in the morning and spent ten minutes in the cat room all by myself. It wasn’t so scary.
Zuzu: I like quiet. Anyone who makes my Mom and Dad have to raise their voices get a face-ful of me. Trust me, you don’t want any of this!
Viola: I’m growing up on the Internets. What don’t you already know about me? I still love my morning kisses from Mom. I like to take lap naps. Oh, I know! Long feathers are the best thing ever!
This award is an oldie, but goodie, and it’s making the rounds again. So many of you already have it. Please forgive our duplication if that’s the case. If you’d like it, feel free to take it and perhaps pass it on to your friends! Sharing is good!
The blogs we nominate for this award are:
* Animal Shelter Volunteer Life
* The Whiskeratti
* Angel Prancer Pie
* Katnip Lounge
* Pretinha & Amigos (Blackie & Friends)
Thank you, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth & Calista Jo!
You are definitely a lovely girl! PS: Thank you so much for nominating us!
Pia we hope you and Dexter have something romantic planned for your 1st anniversary.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
It is so fun to learn new things about our furiends. We think efurry award should have that as a requirement. Thanks for sharing and linking back to us. You are one of our very, very favorite blogs. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Happy Anniversary Pia and Dexter! Loved reading the comments and learning more about the Colehaus gang. Quint I love Bruno Mars too!
Congratulations on your lovely award. Happy Anniversary Pia and Dester.
pia…let uz noe when de weddin iz N we will cater de ee vent for free…..fish az far az de eye can sea.. conga ratz on yur award…we enjoyed lurnin a bit mor bout everee one !! happee week oh end two all N heerz ta lemon sole & lake trout ♥
Happy Anniversary to Pia and Dexter and congratulations on your award. Well done. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Concatulations on your award, and happy anniversary to Pia and Dexter ! Purrs
Congratulations on your award, Kitties! We enjoyed all those facts you shared with us today. 🙂
Gostei de conhecê-los melhor, vocês são adoráveis!
Parabéns pelo prêmio e obrigada pela indicação.
Congrats on the award. Love your facts!
Congrats! We haven’t been here in a while, so I am unsure if you remember us or not. So much has changed; Nico died of HCM/heart failure/liver failure, 2 weeks ago. He was only 5 years old. 🙁 Beautiful picture by the way.
Concatulations on your award, and it was so cool learning more about all you kitties!
Congrats on your award. We enjoyed learning more about all of you.
Congrats on your award!
Congrats on that shiny award, dear friends! And thank you for passing it along to us! 🙂
Hey, Quint, we’re Bruno Mars fans, too.
Hey Pia you really have a good Man Cat there so wish you both well.
Whee cool facts about you all. Fun
Pia and Dexter. You make a handsome couple.
Four in the mornin’ cuddlin’ sessions? LOVE IT! Gotta try that sometime.
Nissy #Niss4Senate – tell the PM, today.
You Colehaus Cats always manage to impress me and make me giggle. Congratulations on your award!
A big congrats on your award.That is great and it sure was fun hearing all those facts about all of you. You sure are an interesting bunch, kind of like all the ones here. Everyone has their own little personalities. Have a great week end.
I totallly luvluvluv knowing all those things about each of you!! Concats on the lovely award…keep on shining!
That is a nice anniversary coming up sweet Pia and congrats on the nice award too!