Pia and her Pia-Mobile – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
If you look closely at Pia’s reflection in the window, you might see her face on the back of the SUV parked in the driveway across the street. Pia now thinks all SUVs ought to have her face plastered across the back. That’s all we need.
Pia’s face on all the SUVs seem better than all those stick figures or nasty bumperstickers.
Pia’s face on the SUV is much nicer than many of the human pictures we’ve seen on cars.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx x
Ha! That’s a great idea, we’d rather see her face on the back of vehicles than a lot of other things!
Leave it to a cat to come up with that!
Well, we would make the mom buy a mobile if it had Pia’s face on it.
THAT is dear! SO glad you caught that!
Makes purrfect sense to me! I wouldn’t mind having Pia’s face on the back of my car!
LOL that is great.
We totally agree with Pia. It sure could make a long trip more pleasant. With so many SUVs on the road, we could enjoy her lovely face throughout the trip. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
my stars Pia…if Quint can have his art all over the walls of everyone’s home; you should have your face on every SUV…..indeed…hugs girl from dai$y……
ps…whispers…..what’s an SUV ; I do hope it’s a new tiara style ♥ !
Better than a bumper sticker any day. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
We think that’s brilliant! Much better than all the silly stickers the peeps like to put on their cars.
makes them look all pretty,xx Speedy
Hey, I think that’s a GREAT idea – even better, if they put MY face on them!
Now that’s a cat pic I would put in my car!!
Oh my darling Pia Bean! I know I can get mom and dad to put you on the back window of both our station wagons… but better we were riding around together in the “back seat” don’t cha’ think??? *wink wink* All my loves… your D.
We think Pia is on to something. Piamobiles would be bestsellers, if you ask us!
MOL – Piamobiles!
We think seeing peoples’ cats on the back of their vehicles would make commuting much more interesting. And maybe a certain someone wouldn’t forget to stop for treats for us!
Why not?
SUVs would definitely look much cooler with such a sweet kitty face on them!
Definitely would improve SUVs to have Pia’s on the back!! 🙂
Ficaria ótimo!