Dear Niblets,
Can you believe you’ll be one year old tomorrow? One year old! Where did the time go? One year ago, you were on the verge of arriving. We were so delighted and couldn’t wait to share you with the world! Of course, it was your mama Zuzu (then named Erinn Zuzu) who took her sweet time delivering you four sweet bundles who became the Niblets.

Erinn Zuzu and her kittens at last! – 2013 © Colehaus Cats
And from everything we hear, you have all grown up to be fabulously wonderful young cats. Your mama Zuzu is so proud of you, as are we. Your sister Viola sends purrs and kisses to her sisters, Tiger (Illy), Talliah (Robbie), honorary sister Winter (Lily), and orange brother Russell.

Clockwise from far left: Illy (tortie), Russell (orange), Robbie (gray tabby bobtail), in front, Viola – 2013 © Colehaus Cats

Honorary Niblet Winter who was adopted with Illy, December 2013 – 2013 © Colehaus Cats
A million kisses to you all. Please join Viola in sending comforting nuzzles to sister Talliah who lost her playmate and sweet doggy sister, Sophie, in late August.
Niblets, we hope you are all doing well and love your families. We bet you all still have those gorgeous big eyes you got from your mama and have grown long-legged like your sister Viola.

Such big eyes! – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
Some of you probably still have the best belly spots any batch of kittens ever came with.

Viola Belly! – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
You might even like belly rubs. Viola sure does, especially when watching other kittens on the Internet! That’s her secret vice.

Watching Internet kittens for hours – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
Do you Niblets know what treats are yet? Viola just learned about treats a while ago when a good friend of Colehaus sent her a sample bag of Royal Canin Baby Cat food. Since the Niblets learned about dry food with Baby Cat, Viola was extra excited to re-discover this tasty treat, not to mention getting her own present in the mail!

Did someone say, “Treats?” – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
She only gets three or four little kibbles at a time though, and not too often. Baby Cat is high calorie and while Niblet Viola is still just a young cat, she still needs to watch her waistline. She takes after her mama just a little in that department. Shhh, that’s our secret.

Sassing back to mama Zuzu – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
No, Viola. No one suggested you were becoming a butterball.

Who? Me? – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
Not with how much you love playing! Viola loves toys of all kinds – crinkly balls, nip pillows, other cat’s nip pillows… but she particularly loves Neko Flies.

Viola’s Favorite Neko Fly – 2014 © Colehaus Cats

Bogarting the Neko Fly – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
And we can always count on brother Quint to keep her interest soaring. Viola, who knew you loved feathers so much? Quint knew!

Not afraid to snag Quint’s feather – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
We shouldn’t have been surprised with how smart you’ve become, Viola. If we hadn’t seen it for ourselves, we might have believed we had faucet elves. Now we know it’s you who had somehow learned to turn on the kitchen faucet for a drink. Hmmm, we’re probably gonna have to do something about that… Hope none of you other Niblets have learned bad habits!

Viola’s Personal Water Faucet – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
We love you, Viola and Zuzu. Over the past year, you’ve taught us much and brought us such joy. Thank you, Zuzu, for working so hard to become a delightful member of our family. Viola, we know you love brother Quint and sister Olivia, and you’re working on Pia and Tessa. You’re your own young cat now and don’t bother your mama Zuzu much. She’s happy with that, just as long as you don’t sass back too often. You love greeting us in the morning and napping in mom’s arms just as you did as a wee kitten.

The littlest Niblet, Viola – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
We can’t imagine our family without you and your mama.

Mama Zuzu and daughter Viola – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
Extra love going out to all the Niblets wherever they are today. Thank you for being a part of our lives. We’re sending kisses to you all by way of a million kisses to sister Viola, who just happens to look forward to those every day.

The one year old Viola – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
Happy Birthday, Niblets! And Happy Birthday, Viola, the littlest Niblet and the youngest Colehaus Cat. May you all celebrate many, many, many more!
A million kisses and all our love,
your foster mom and dad.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Bonus material! Links to all previous Dear Niblets letters:
Dear Nibets, Week One
Dear Niblets, Week Two
Dear Niblets, Week Three
Dear Niblets, Week Four
Dear Niblets, Week Five
Dear Niblets, Week Six
Dear Niblets, Week Seven
Dear Niblets, Week Eight
Dear Niblets, Week Nine
Dear Niblets, Week Ten
Dear Niblets, Week Eleven
Dear Niblets, Week Twelve
Dear Niblets, Six Months Old
Happy birthday 🙂
Og my have it been ONE YEAR already ??!!
Happy 1st BIRTHDAY to all of you Niblets 🙂
Happy birthday! It is cool that you know her exact date of birth. 🙂
Happy 1st Birthday to all you Niblets and thank you to Zuzu for taking such good care of all her kittens until they found their furever homes. Viola is a credit to you Zuzu and you were a purrfect Mom Cat.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Wow! Has it really been a year! Concatulations to everyone on their big day!
hard to belive it has been a year…. Happy Birthday Niblets!! It was a joy to watch you grow. 🙂
That year absolutely sped by. We loved seeing the Niblets grow, and we were so sorry when the other Niblets left the nest to move on to new homes. Viola is so adorable, and we are happy we have been able to follow her for the past year. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET VIOLA. We hope maybe you will get a couple of extra treats for your special day. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
What a beautiful post! So poignant. Your love for Mama Zuzu and The Niblets is overwhelmingly sweet and special. We still have your Christmas postcard from 2013 with the Niblets on the front. We cherish it.
Happy Birthday Viola! 🙂
Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis
Dat wuz such a pawsum posty. Happy Meowday to Viola and da Nibblits.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Oh Niblets, how mom and I love you all. And we miss you all so much. But we have mama Zuzu and you, Viola. Much love always.
A very big happy purrday to all the niblets. It is a great day.
Happy Birthday to the NIbblets,xx Speedy
Happy Birthday to all you Niblets!!!
Happy birthday to all the niblets! And how nice that my human and your other readers got to see Viola grow up and share her birthday memories. I too am glad you and Zuzu are in my blog feed!
Happy Birthday Niblets and Viola!
Ahhhhh happy 1st meow day to the Niblets! Gosh what a fast year…and so much fun. Hugs
Madi and mom
viola….we iz knot a loud on line on de week oh ends sew may we say a veree happe furst two ewe…happee day wishes, best fishes N mice creem dishes ♫♫♪♪♪♫♫…we hope yur day bee rockin awesum mega sooper grate…fun, !!! eat lots oh cake N heerz ta happee nezz & health in de yeer ahead…♥♥♥♥♥
a most happee week oh end…may it bee filled with ocean perch ♥
Happy Birthday to the Niblets ! We loved to know more about you in that lovely memories post ! Purrs
What a wonderful post on those beautiful babies!
Wow, time has flown! We will never forgot the arrival of the niblets…and watching them grow up…and move on to their furever homes.
pee ess…we love the picture of Zuzu and Viola together. How sweet!
OMC! Has it been a year! Viola is still cute cute cute! I hope the other Niblets are receiving as much love as she and Zuzu are.
How time flies. Happy Birthday to the Niblets. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly
Happy Birthday Niblets! We hope you are as indulged and adored as sweet Viola so obviously is! 🙂
Viola, you have grown into such a beautiful girl..we love the colour in your furs, the spots on your belly and your huge eyes! 🙂
the critters in the cottage xo
Happy Birthday, and we wish you many more!
Happy Birthday Viola (and well done Zuzu!) We sends all our loves to you and to the Niblets in their new homes… we know they are as much loved as you guys are!
Such a precious little family Zuzu produced!
We can’t believe the Niblets are a year old! Happy Birthday, Viola 🙂
Feliz Aniversário Viola!
Happy birthday, Viola, and all the Niblets! We love you, sweet ones!