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Monthly Archives: January 2013
Quint’s 2012 Paintings Going, Going…
We don’t mean to push but if you could help Quint free up some space to paint by picking up one of his last, remaining 2012 paintings, he and the no-kill shelter his art helps support would be mightly grateful! … Continue reading
Ruby Tuesdays.
Ruby in the blue-gray winter light. Ruby is getting friendlier and her fur much softer since becoming a Colehaus Cat just a month ago. We’ve learned her routine and her ours. In the morning while Mom straightens the room, Ruby … Continue reading
Kissing Wars.
Here at Colehaus Cats, we don’t believe in fights. Oh sure, there might be a bit of hissing and a whap here or there but nothing serious. No, our biggest battles are…The Kissing Wars. The rules are simple: 1. I, … Continue reading